Resolution Number: 1976-D058
Title: Study the Matter of the Ordination of Homosexuals
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred As Substituted and Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That this 65th General Convention direct the Joint Commission on the Church in Human Affairs to study in depth the matter of the ordination of homosexual persons and report its findings, along with recommendations, to the Church at large for study (and especially to the Bishops, Standing Committees, Commissions of the National Church), to the next General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, That all diocesan studies of this subject be forwarded to the Joint Commission on the Church in Human Affairs for study, and distribution where pertinent.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Minneapolis 1976 (New York: General Convention, 1977), p. C-109.

Legislative History

Originating House: House of Deputies
Originating Committee: Committee on Ministry

House of Deputies

On the Tenth Day, Deputy Collins (Atlanta) presented Report #13 of the Committee on Ministry on Resolutions B-101, B-102, and D-58 and moved the following substitute resolution:

Whereas, there is lack of agreement both among theologians and among those engaged in the scientific study of homosexuality; and

Whereas, General Convention is now proposing a study of human sexuality as a major concern for the whole Church; therefore, be it

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring, that this 65th General Convention direct the Joint Commission on the Church in Human Affairs to study in depth the matter of the ordination of homosexual persons and report its findings, along with recommendations, to the Church at large for study (and especially to the Bishops, Standing Committees, Commissions of the National Church), to the next General Convention; and be it further

Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring, that all diocesan studies of this subject be forwarded to the Joint Commission on the Church in Human Affairs for study, and distribution where pertinent.

Deputy Searfoss (Bethlehem) moved a substitute resolution.

Resolution failed

Deputy Meredith (Southern Virginia) moved the following substitute resolution:

Resolved, that the House of Deputies respectfully request the Bishops of the Episcopal Church to refrain from ordaining practicing homosexuals until such time as this Church, by vote of the General Convention, officially approves the same.

A vote by orders was requested by the delegation from Southwest Florida on the substitute resolution moved by Deputy Meredith, the results of which are as follows:

109 votes cast
55 votes needed for affirmative action
50--Yes 43--No 16--Divided
108 votes cast
55 votes needed for affirmative action
56--Yes 42--No 10--Divided

Resolution lost in the clergy order

The following deputations requested that they be polled, as follows:

Central Pennsylvania

Clerical Lay
Lloyd Yes Thomas No
Weitzel Yes Stewart Yes
Jones No Whitney No
Sherman Yes Railing Yes
Clerical Lay
Campbell Yes Shields Yes
Cooms Yes Storey Yes
Wood Yes Rheberg Yes
Williams Yes Melville Yes
Western New York
Clerical Lay
Birney Yes Rudd No
Kryder Yes Berger, Ruth Yes
Hutton Yes Berger, Benjamin No
Howard No Montgomery No

The main motion, the substitute resolution presented by the Committee on Ministry in Report #13, being before the House, the resolution was adopted.

Resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #158)

House of Bishops

On the Eleventh Day, the Secretary read Message #158 from the House of Deputies--B-101, B-102, and D-58.

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #209)

Abstract:   The 65th General Convention directs the Church in Human Affairs Commission to study the ordination of homosexual persons.

1976-D058 is identical to resolutions 1976-B101 and -B102 which were reported out together by the legislative committee. The Journal, 1976 does not record any of these resolutions as withdrawn in favor of a single substitute resolution.