Resolution Number: 1985-A095
Title: Prepare Inclusive Language Texts for the Regular Services of the Church
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred As Substituted and Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That the Standing Liturgical Commission be directed to prepare inclusive language texts for the regular services of the Church, i.e., Morning and Evening Prayer and the Holy Eucharist, to be proposed for trial use at the next meeting of the General Convention in accordance with Article X of the Constitution and Canon II.3.6(a).

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Anaheim, 1985 (New York: General Convention, 1986), p. 605.

Legislative History

Author: The Standing Liturgical Commission
Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Committee on Prayer Book and Liturgy

House of Bishops

Original Text of Resolution:


Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the Inclusive Language Lectionary, published by the National Council of Churches of Christ, be authorized for experimental use in parishes selected in consultation with, and with the approval of, the diocesan Bishop; and be it further

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the Standing Liturgical Commission be directed to prepare and publish inclusive language texts for the regular services of this Church, i.e., Morning and Evening Prayer and the Holy Eucharist; such texts to be available for alternative and experimental use under the authority of diocesan Bishops.

Proposed Committee Amendment:

In the first Resolved:

remove the phrase "published by the National Council of Churches of Christ" and in its place put the phrase "selected in consultation with, and with the approval of, the diocesan Bishop";

add the phrase "alternative and" after the phrase "be authorized for";

delete the phrase "selected in consultation with, and with the approval of, the diocesan Bishop."

In the second Resolved:

add the phrase "beginning with" following the phrase "inclusive language texts"; delete the word "for" following the phrase "inclusive language texts";

delete the phrase "i.e., Morning and Evening Prayer and the Holy Eucharist."

Seconded by the Bishop Suffragan of New York (Wetmore).

Motion defeated

The Bishop of Mississippi moved a substitute Resolution:

Proposed Substitute:

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the Standing Liturgical Commission be directed to prepare inclusive language texts for the regular services of the Church, i.e., Morning and Evening Prayer and the Holy Eucharist, to be proposed for trial use at the next meeting of the General Convention, in accordance with Article X of the Constitution and Canon II.3.6(a).

Seconded by the Bishop of Eau Claire.

Motion carried

Substitute resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #130)

House of Deputies

The Committee on Prayer Book and Liturgy presented its Report #12 on A095s (Inclusive Language) and moved concurrence with HB Message #130 without amendment.

Deputy Fitch of Western Kansas moved to amend.

Proposed Amendment:

Delete the words "trial use" and insert the word "consideration," and delete all words following "General Convention."

Debate terminated.

A division was called on the Fitch Amendment.

The results were as follows:

Yes--306 No--387

Motion defeated

The previous question was called.

A vote by orders was requested by the Dioceses of Fond du Lac, Eau Claire, Western Kansas and Virginia.

Ballot #13 was distributed.

Deputy Walker of Michigan moved to suspend the Rules for the reading of the nays and divided votes of Ballot #13 concerning A095s.

Motion defeated

The results of Ballot #13 were as follows:

Lay Order: Yes--67
Total Votes--103
Necessary to Pass--52
Clerical Order: Yes--73
Total Votes--109
Necessary to Pass--55

Motion carried

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #257)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, September 14.

Report Reference:   Standing Liturgical Commission, Reports to the 68th General Convention, 1985, pp. 150-164.
Abstract:   The 68th General Convention directs the Liturgical Commission to prepare inclusive language texts for trial use.