Resolution Number: 1988-C047
Title: Adopt a Statement on Childbirth and Abortion
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred As Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That the 69th General Convention

adopt the following statement on childbirth and abortion:

All human life is sacred. Hence, it is sacred from its inception until death. The Church takes seriously its obligation to help form the consciences of its members concerning this sacredness. Human life, therefore, should be initiated only advisedly and in full accord with this understanding of the power to conceive and give birth which is bestowed by God.

It is the responsibility of our congregations to assist their members in becoming informed concerning the spiritual, physiological and psychological aspects of sex and sexuality.

The Book of Common Prayer affirms that "the birth of a child is a joyous and solemn occasion in the life of a family. It is also an occasion for rejoicing in the Christian community" (p 440). As Christians we also affirm responsible family planning.

We regard all abortion as having a tragic dimension, calling for the concern and compassion of all the Christian community.

While we acknowledge that in this country it is the legal right of every woman to have a medically safe abortion, as Christians we believe strongly that if this right is exercised, it should be used only in extreme situations. We emphatically oppose abortion as a means of birth control, family planning, sex selection, or any reason of mere convenience.

In those cases where an abortion is being considered, members of this Church are urged to seek the dictates of their consciences in prayer, to seek the advice and counsel of members of the Christian community and where appropriate the

sacramental life of this Church.

Whenever members of this Church are consulted with regard to a problem pregnancy, they are to explore, with grave seriousness, with the person or persons seeking advice and counsel, as alternatives to abortion, other positive courses of action, including, but not limited to, the following possibilities: the parents raising the child; another family member raising the child; making the child available for adoption.

It is the responsibility of members of this Church, especially the clergy, to become aware of local agencies and resources which will assist those faced with problem pregnancies.

We believe that legislation concerning abortions will not address the root of the problem. We therefore express our deep conviction that any proposed legislation on the part of national or state governments regarding abortions must take special care to see that individual conscience is respected, and that the responsibility of individuals to reach informed decisions in this matter is acknowledged and honored.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Detroit, 1988 (New York: General Convention, 1989), p. 683.

Legislative History

Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Committee on Social and Urban Affairs

House of Bishops

Original Text of Resolution:


Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 69th General Convention adopt the following statement on childbirth and abortion:

It is the responsibility of our congregations to assist their members in becoming informed concerning the spiritual, physiological and psychological aspects of sex and sexuality.

The Book of Common Prayer affirms that "the birth of a child is a joyous and solemn occasion in the life of a family. It is also an occasion for rejoicing in the Christian community" (p 440). As Christians we also affirm responsible family planning.

We regard all abortion as having a tragic dimension, calling for the concern and compassion of all the Christian community.

While we acknowledge that in this country it is the legal right of every women to have a medically safe abortion, as Christians we believe strongly that if this right is exercised, it should be used only in extreme situations.

In those cases where an abortion is being considered, members of this Church are urged to seek the dictates of their consciences in prayer, to seek the advice and counsel of members of the Christian community and where appropriate the sacramental life of this Church.

Whenever members of this Church are consulted with regard to a problem pregnancy, they are to explore, with grave seriousness, with the person or persons seeking advice and counsel, as alternatives to abortion, other positive courses of action, including, but not limited to, the following possibilities: the parents raising the child; another family member raising the child; making the child available for adoption.

It is the responsibility of members of this Church, especially the clergy, to become aware of local agencies and resources which will assist those faced with problem pregnancies.

We believe that legislation concerning abortions will not address the root of the problem. We therefore express our deep conviction that any proposed legislation on the part of national or state governments regarding abortions must take special care to see that individual conscience is respected, and that the responsibility of individuals to reach informed decisions in this matter is acknowledged and honored.

We urge the 69th General Convention to adopt the above principles and guidelines with regard to the termination of pregnancy in the light of our understanding of the sacredness of human life.

Proposed Committee Amendment:

Insert the following paragraph as the opening paragraph of the statement:

All human life is sacred. Hence, it is sacred from its inception until death. The Church takes seriously its obligation to help form the consciences of its members concerning this sacredness. Human life, therefore, should be initiated only advisedly and in full accord with this understanding of the power to conceive and give birth which is bestowed by God.

Add the following sentence to the end of what will become paragraph five of the statement:

We emphatically oppose abortion as a means of birth control, family planning, sex selection or any reason of mere convenience.

[On the fourth day] the Committee on Social and Urban Affairs presented its Report #16 on C047 (General Convention Statement on Abortion) and moved adoption as amended by the Committee.

Proposed Committee Amendment:

Add in the fourth paragraph of the statement, after the word "situations," the following sentence:

We emphatically oppose abortion as a means of birth control, family planning, sex selection or any other reason of mere convenience.

The Bishop of Rochester moved an amendment.

Proposed Amendment:

Delete the word "other" in the proposed amendment.

The amendment was accepted by the Committee.

The Bishop of Rhode Island moved a substitute.

Proposed Substitute:

Substitute Resolution A087:

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That this 69th General Convention set forth the following principles and guidelines with regard to the termination of pregnancy in the light of our understanding of the sacredness of human life:

  1. All human life is sacred. Hence, it is sacred from its inception until death. The Church takes seriously its obligation to help form the consciences of its members concerning this sacredness. Human life, therefore, should be initiated only advisedly and in full accord with this understanding of the power to conceive and give birth which is bestowed by God.

Therefore, we reaffirm the position of previous General Conventions which points out clearly the Christian's duty to practice responsible family planning.

2. In those cases where the person or persons concerned are contemplating the termination of pregnancy, this Church's members are urged to seek the advice and counsel of members of the Church community, and where appropriate, its sacramental life.

3. Whenever members of this Church are consulted with regard to a proposed termination of pregnancy, they are to explore, with the person or persons seeking advice and counsel, alternative courses of action.

4. We rejoice that there are couples who have borne, loved and cared for seriously disabled children. Nevertheless, we also reaffirm the position of this Church, stated first at the 62nd General Convention in Seattle in 1967, which allowed the moral option for termination of pregnancy in specific instances (i.e., serious threat to the health of the mother, or where there is substantial reason to believe the child would be born with serious disability in mind or body, or where the pregnancy has resulted from rape or incest). The decision to terminate pregnancy in those instances properly belongs to the couple, in consultation with their physician and the Church.

5. We acknowledge that abortion always has a tragic dimension. We are aware of the thousands of abortions that occur beyond the time of viability, and we deplore the number of abortions. Nevertheless, we believe that legislation prohibiting all abortions will not address the root of the problem. We therefore express our deep conviction that any proposed legislation on the part of national or state governments regarding abortion must take special care to see that individual conscience is respected, and that the responsibility of individuals to reach informed decisions in this matter is acknowledged and honored, and must also provide expressly for the possibility of abortion in specific instances (see paragraph #4, above) where the decision to abort has been arrived at with proper safeguards against abuse, and/or where it has been clearly established that the health of the mother is threatened.

The Bishop of Maryland moved to recommit Resolution A087 and C047 simultaneously to the Committees of Social and Urban Affairs and Theology.

Motion carried

Resolution re-referred to Legislative Committee

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #75)

[On the sixth day] the Committee on Social and Urban Affairs presented its Report #39 on C047 (General Convention Statement on Abortion) and moved adoption as amended by the Committee.

Proposed Committee Amendment:

That the following paragraph be inserted as the opening paragraph of the statement:

All human life is sacred. Hence, it is sacred from its inception until death. The Church takes seriously its obligation to help form the consciences of its members concerning this sacredness. Human life, therefore, should be initiated only advisedly and in full accord with this understanding of the power to conceive and give birth which is bestowed by God.

That the following sentence be added to the end of what will become paragraph five of the statement:

We emphatically oppose abortion as a means of birth control, family planning, sex selection or any reason of mere convenience.

The Bishop of Rhode Island moved a substitute.

Proposed Substitute:

Substitute Resolution A087.

Motion defeated

The Bishop of Delaware proposed an amendment.

Proposed Amendment:

Delete the last paragraph of the Committee's resolution.

The amendment was accepted by the Committee.

Motion carried

Resolution adopted with amendment

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #174)

House of Deputies

The Committee on Social and Urban Affairs presented its Report #85 on House of Bishops Message #174 relating to Resolution C047a (General Convention Statement on Abortion) and moved concurrence, with amendment as proposed by the Committee.

Proposed Committee Amendment:

In the fifth paragraph, change the last sentence to read as follows:

We specifically oppose abortion as a means of birth control, family planning, or sex selection.

Strike the final paragraph and substitute the following:

This 69th General Convention of the Episcopal Church expresses its unequivocal opposition to any legislative, executive, or judicial action on the part of local, state, or national governments which would abridge the right of a woman to reach an informed decision about the termination of pregnancy and which would limit the access of a woman to safe means of acting on her decision.

Deputy Pugh of Arkansas moved a substitute to C047a.

Proposed Substitute:

Substitute the Committee's minority report which would reinstate the Resolution as the House of Bishops adopted it.

The deputations of Newark and New York, and the lay deputation of Pennsylvania called for a vote by orders on the Substitute to C047a.

The question was called on the main motion and the substitute.

Motion carried

Debate terminated

Ballot #13 was taken on the Substitute to C047a [i.e the Pugh Substitute.]

The Secretary read the results of Ballot #13 on C047a (General Convention Statement on Abortion):

Lay   Yes - 66   No -35   Divided -10
Clerical   Yes -69   No -28   Divided -12

Motion carried

Substitute resolution adopted

The deputations of New York, Newark, and the lay deputation of Pennsylvania called for a vote by orders on the Substitute--now the main--motion C047a.

The Secretary announced the results of Ballot #15 on Resolution C047a:

Lay   Yes -88   No -18   Divided -3
Clerical   Yes -91   No -13   Divided -6

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #321)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, July 11.

Abstract:   The 69th General Convention adopts a statement on childbirth and abortion stressing the sacredness of human life.

Resolution 1988-A087 was withdrawn and not adopted by the General Convention, 1988.