Resolution Number: 2006-A055
Title: Continue Dialogue with the United Methodist Church
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred as Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That the 75th General Convention of The Episcopal Church:

  1. Welcome and rejoice in the substantial progress of The United Methodist-Episcopal Dialogue and of international conversations between Anglicans and Methodists, and give thanks for the Anglican-Methodist Covenant in Great Britain. We look forward to the day when full communion is established between The Episcopal Church and The United Methodist Church;
  2. Recognize now The United Methodist Church as a member of the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church in which the Gospel is rightly preached and taught;
  3. Encourage the development of common Christian life throughout our respective Churches by such means as the following:

    a) Mutual prayer and mutual support, including parochial/congregational and diocesan/annual conference covenants or agreements,

    b) Common study of the Holy Scriptures, the histories and theological traditions of each Church, and the materials produced by The United Methodist-Episcopal Dialogue.

    c) Joint programs of religious education, theological discussion, mission, evangelism, and social action,

    d) Joint use of facilities;

  4. Affirm now on the basis of the documents

    a) Sharing in the Apostolic Communion, produced by the International Anglican-Methodist Conversations in 1996;

    b) the “Constitution and Canons” of The Episcopal Church and the “Book of Common Prayer” of The Episcopal Church

    c) The United Methodist Book of Worship and the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church;

    d) and the documents “This Holy Mystery” on the Lord’s Supper and “By Water and the Spirit” on Baptism affirmed by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church that the basic teaching of each respective Church is consonant with the Gospel and is sufficiently compatible with the teaching of this Church that a relationship of Interim Sharing of the Eucharist is hereby established between The United Methodist Church and The Episcopal Church under the following guidelines:

    i) The Episcopal Church extends a special welcome to members of The United Methodist Church to receive Holy Communion in it under the Standard for Occasional Eucharistic Sharing of its 1979 General Convention. This welcome constitutes a mutual recognition of Eucharistic teaching sufficient for Interim Sharing of the Eucharist, although this does not intend to signify that final recognition of each other's ministries has yet been achieved.

    ii) Bishops and Dioceses of The Episcopal Church and Bishops of The United Methodist Church may by mutual agreement extend the regulations of Church discipline to permit common, joint celebration of the Eucharist within their jurisdictions. This is appropriate in particular situations where the said authorities deem that local conditions are appropriate for the sharing of worship jointly by congregations of the respective Churches. The presence of an ordained bishop or elder in the United Methodist Church and a bishop or priest of The Episcopal Church at the altar in this way reflects the presence of two or more Churches expressing unity in faith and baptism as well as the remaining divisions which they seek to overcome; however, this does not imply rejection or final recognition of either Church's Eucharist or ministry. In such circumstances the Eucharistic prayer will be from an approved liturgy as authorized jointly by the Bishops of the Episcopal Diocese and The United Methodist Episcopal Area.

    iii) Clergy and Lay leadership of Episcopal and United Methodist congregations that might see such Interim Sharing of the Eucharist will support this relationship by establishing steps and activities among their local congregations, such as those outlined in section (3) above, so that the truest fulfillment of the vision for Interim Sharing of the Eucharist might be realized.

    iv) This resolution and experience of Interim Sharing of the Eucharist will be communicated at regular intervals to other Churches of the World Methodist Council and the Anglican Communions throughout the world, as well as to the various ecumenical dialogues in which Anglicans and Methodists are engaged, especially Churches Uniting in Christ, in order that consultation may be fostered, similar experiences encouraged elsewhere, and already existing relationships of full communion respected;

  5. Authorize continued United Methodist-Episcopal Dialogues for the discussion of any other outstanding questions that must be resolved before full communion can be established between the respective Churches, e.g., historic episcopate, and the ordering of ministry (Bishops, Priests, and Deacons) in the total context of apostolicity.
Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Columbus, 2006 (New York: General Convention, 2007), pp. 693-695.

Legislative History

Author: The Standing Commission on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations
Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Committee on Ecumenical Relations

House of Bishops

The House of Bishops Committee on Ecumenical Relations presented its Report #6 on Resolution A055 (UMC Interim Eucharistic Sharing) and moved adoption with amendment.

Original Text of Resolution:


Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 75th General Convention of The Episcopal Church:

  1. Welcome and rejoice in the substantial progress of The United Methodist-Episcopal Dialogue and of international conversations between Anglicans and Methodists, and give thanks for the Anglican-Methodist Covenant in Great Britain. We look forward to the day when full communion is established between The Episcopal Church and The United Methodist Church;
  2. Recognize now The United Methodist Church as a member of the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church in which the Gospel is rightly preached and taught;
  3. Encourage the development of common Christian life throughout our respective Churches by such means as the following:

    a) Mutual prayer and mutual support, including parochial/congregational and diocesan/annual conference covenants or agreements,

    b) Common study of the Holy Scriptures, the histories and theological traditions of each Church, and the materials produced by The United Methodist-Episcopal Dialogue.

    c) Joint programs of religious education, theological discussion, mission, evangelism, and social action,

    d) Joint use of facilities;

  4. Affirm now on the basis of the documents

    a) Sharing in the Apostolic Communion, produced by the International Anglican-Methodist Conversations in 1996;

    b) the “Constitution and Canons” of The Episcopal Church and the “Book of Common Prayer” of The Episcopal Church

    c) The United Methodist Book of Worship and the Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church;

    d) and the documents “This Holy Mystery” on the Lord’s Supper and “By Water and the Spirit” on Baptism affirmed by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church that the basic teaching of each respective Church is consonant with the Gospel and is sufficiently compatible with the teaching of this Church that a relationship of Interim Sharing of the Eucharist is hereby established between The United Methodist Church and The Episcopal Church under the following guidelines:

    i) The Episcopal Church extends a special welcome to members of The United Methodist Church to receive Holy Communion in it under the Standard for Occasional Eucharistic Sharing of its 1979 General Convention. This welcome constitutes a mutual recognition of Eucharistic teaching sufficient for Interim Sharing of the Eucharist, although this does not intend to signify that final recognition of each other's ministries has yet been achieved.

    ii) Bishops and Dioceses of The Episcopal Church and Bishops of The United Methodist Church may by mutual agreement extend the regulations of Church discipline to permit common, joint celebration of the Eucharist within their jurisdictions. This is appropriate in particular situations where the said authorities deem that local conditions are appropriate for the sharing of worship jointly by congregations of the respective Churches. The presence of an ordained minister of each participating Church at the altar in this way reflects the presence of two or more Churches expressing unity in faith and baptism as well as the remaining divisions which they seek to overcome; however, this does not imply rejection or final recognition of either Church's Eucharist or ministry. In such circumstances the Eucharistic prayer will be from an approved liturgy as authorized jointly by the Bishops of the Episcopal Diocese and The United Methodist Episcopal Area.

    iii) This resolution and experience of Interim Sharing of the Eucharist will be communicated at regular intervals to other Churches of the World Methodist Council and the Anglican Communions throughout the world, as well as to the various ecumenical dialogues in which Anglicans and Methodists are engaged, especially Churches Uniting in Christ, in order that consultation may be fostered, similar experiences encouraged elsewhere, and already existing relationships of full communion respected;

  5. Authorize continued United Methodist-Episcopal Dialogues for the discussion of any other outstanding questions that must be resolved before full communion can be established between the respective Churches, e.g., historic episcopate, and the ordering of ministry (Bishops, Priests, and Deacons) in the total context of apostolicity.

Committee Amendment:

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 75th General Convention of The Episcopal Church:

  1. Welcome and rejoice in the substantial progress of The United Methodist-Episcopal Dialogue and of international conversations between Anglicans and Methodists, and give thanks for the Anglican-Methodist Covenant in Great Britain. We look forward to the day when full communion is established between The Episcopal Church and The United Methodist Church;
  2. Recognize now The United Methodist Church as a member of the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church in which the Gospel is rightly preached and taught;
  3. Encourage the development of common Christian life throughout our respective Churches by such means as the following:

    a) Mutual prayer and mutual support, including parochial/congregational and diocesan/annual conference covenants or agreements,

    b) Common study of the Holy Scriptures, the histories and theological traditions of each Church, and the materials produced by The United Methodist-Episcopal Dialogue.

    c) Joint programs of religious education, theological discussion, mission, evangelism, and social action,

    d) Joint use of facilities;

  4. Affirm now on the basis of the documents

    a) Sharing in the Apostolic Communion, produced by the International Anglican-Methodist Conversations in 1996;

    b) the “Constitution and Canons” of The Episcopal Church and the “Book of Common Prayer” of The Episcopal Church

    c) The United Methodist “Book of Worship” and the “Book of Discipline” of The United Methodist Church;

    d) and the documents “This Holy Mystery” on the Lord’s Supper and “By Water and the Spirit” on Baptism affirmed by the General Conference of The United Methodist Church that the basic teaching of each respective Church is consonant with the Gospel and is sufficiently compatible with the teaching of this Church that a relationship of Interim Sharing of the Eucharist is hereby established between The United Methodist Church and The Episcopal Church under the following guidelines:

    i) The Episcopal Church extends a special welcome to members of The United Methodist Church to receive Holy Communion in it under the Standard for Occasional Eucharistic Sharing of its 1979 General Convention. This welcome constitutes a mutual recognition of Eucharistic teaching sufficient for Interim Sharing of the Eucharist, although this does not intend to signify that final recognition of each other's ministries has yet been achieved.

    ii) Bishops and Dioceses of The Episcopal Church and Bishops of The United Methodist Church may by mutual agreement extend the regulations of Church discipline to permit common, joint celebration of the Eucharist within their jurisdictions. This is appropriate in particular situations where the said authorities deem that local conditions are appropriate for the sharing of worship jointly by congregations of the respective Churches. The presence of an ordained bishop or elder in the United Methodist Church and a bishop or priest of The Episcopal Church minister of each participating Churchat the altar in this way reflects the presence of two or more Churches expressing unity in faith and baptism as well as the remaining divisions which they seek to overcome; however, this does not imply rejection or final recognition of either Church's Eucharist or ministry. In such circumstances the Eucharistic prayer will be from an approved liturgy as authorized jointly by the Bishops of the Episcopal Diocese and The United Methodist Episcopal Area.

    iii) This resolution and experience of Interim Sharing of the Eucharist will be communicated at regular intervals to other Churches of the World Methodist Council and the Anglican Communions throughout the world, as well as to the various ecumenical dialogues in which Anglicans and Methodists are engaged, especially Churches Uniting in Christ, in order that consultation may be fostered, similar experiences encouraged elsewhere, and already existing relationships of full communion respected;

  5. Authorize continued United Methodist-Episcopal Dialogues for the discussion of any other outstanding questions that must be resolved before full communion can be established between the respective Churches, e.g., historic episcopate, and the ordering of ministry (Bishops, Priests, and Deacons) in the total context of apostolicity.

The Bishop of Mississippi moved an amendment.

Proposed Amendment:

Add a new subsection iii in section 4D: “Clergy and lay leadership of Episcopal and United Methodist congregations that might seek such Interim Sharing of the Eucharist will support this relationship by establishing steps and activities among their local congregations, such as those outlined in section (3) above, so that the truest fulfillment of the vision for Interim Sharing of the Eucharist might be realized.” The previous subsection “iii” will become subsection “iv.”

Motion carried

Amendment adopted

Bishop Parsons moved to refer the resolution.

The question was called.

Motion carried

Debate terminated

A vote was taken to refer the resolution.

Motion defeated

Referral defeated

A vote was taken on Resolution A055 as amended.

Motion carried

Resolution adopted with amendment

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #85)

House of Deputies

The House of Deputies Committee on Ecumenical Relations presented its Report #4 on HB Message #85 on Resolution A055 (UMC Interim Eucharistic Sharing) and moved concurrence.

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #230)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, June 21.

Report Reference:   Standing Commission on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, Reports to the 75th General Convention, 2006, pp. 120-129.
Abstract:   The 75th General Convention rejoices in the substantial progress of The United Methodist-Episcopal Dialogue and recognize now The United Methodist Church as a member of the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church.