Resolution Number: 2006-A077
Title: Use the Revised Common Lectionary as the Lectionary of this Church
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred as Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That the 75th General Convention direct that the Revised Common Lectionary shall be the Lectionary of this Church, amending the Lectionary on pp. 889-921 of The Book of Common Prayer, effective the First Sunday of Advent, 2007; with the provision for continued use of the previous Lectionary for purposes of orderly transition, with the permission of the Ecclesiastical Authority, until the First Sunday of Advent 2010.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Columbus, 2006 (New York: General Convention, 2007), p. 466.

Legislative History

Author: The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music
Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Committee on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music

House of Bishops

The House of Bishops Committee on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music presented its Report #20 on Resolution A077 (Revised Common Lectionary) and moved adoption with amendment.

Original Text of Resolution:


Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 75th General Convention direct that the Revised Common Lectionary shall be the Lectionary of this Church, effective the First Sunday of Advent, 2007; with the provision for continued use of the previous Lectionary for purposes of orderly transition, with the permission of the Ecclesiastical Authority, until the First Sunday of Advent.

Committee Amendment:

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the 75th General Convention direct that the Revised Common Lectionary shall be the Lectionary of this Church, replacing the Lectionary on pp. 889-921 of The Book of Common Prayer, effective the First Sunday of Advent, 2007; with the provision for continued use of the previous Lectionary for purposes of orderly transition, with the permission of the Ecclesiastical Authority, until the First Sunday of Advent 2010.

The Bishop of Indianapolis moved to amend the resolution.

Proposed Amendment:

Replace the word “replacing” with the word, “amending.”

Motion carried

Amendment adopted

The question was called.

Motion carried

Debate terminated

A vote was taken on Resolution A077 as amended.

Motion carried

Resolution adopted with amendment

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #40)

House of Deputies

The House of Deputies Committee on Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music presented its Report #6 on HB Message #40 on Resolution A077 (Revised Common Lectionary) and moved concurrence.

The President informed the House that a vote by orders was required.

Deputy Fisher of Georgia moved to amend the resolution.

Proposed Amendment:

Delete the words “for purposes of orderly transition” and delete the words “until the First Sunday of Advent 2010.”

Deputy Millard of Western Louisiana moved a substitute to the proposed amendment.

Proposed Substitute Amendment:

In the first sentence, after “Convention,” delete “direct that the Revised Common Lectionary shall be the Lectionary of this Church, amending the Lectionary on pp. 889-921 of The Book of Common Prayer, effective the First Sunday of Advent, 2007; with the provision for continued use of the previous Lectionary for purposes of orderly transition, with the permission of the Ecclesiastical Authority, until the First Sunday of Advent 2010.” In its place, insert “authorize for optional use the Revised Common Lectionary with the permission of the Ecclesiastical Authority.”

The President announced that the debate on Resolution A077 would continue in the afternoon session.

The House of Deputies Committee on Dispatch of Business instructed that the House would return to debate on Resolution A077.

Deputy Meyers of Chicago moved the previous question on the substitute, the amendment, and the main motion.

A vote was taken to terminate debate. A voice vote being inconclusive, the President called for an electronic vote. The result of the vote was: Yes, 559 votes (69.2%) and No, 249 votes (30.8%).

Motion carried

Debate terminated

A vote was taken on the substitute.

Motion defeated

Amendment defeated

A vote was taken on the amendment. A voice vote being inconclusive, the President called for an electronic vote. The result of the vote was: Yes, 382 votes (46.8%) and No, 434 votes (53.2%).

Motion defeated

Amendment defeated

Ballot #2—Vote By Orders

A Vote By Orders was taken on Resolution A077.

Ballot #2 taken by orders

Results of Ballot #2: Vote By Orders on Resolution A077

The Secretary reported the results of Ballot #2.


The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #81)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, June 16.

Report Reference:   Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, Reports to the 75th General Convention, 2006, pp. 130-225.
Abstract:   The 75th General Convention directs that the Revised Common Lectionary shall be the Lectionary of this Church.