Full Legislative History
Resolution Number: 2009-B008
Title: Refer a Resolution on Canon I.7.3 to Add Consent to Encumber Trust Funds
Legislative Action Taken: Referred
Final Text:

Resolved, That Canon I.7.3 be amended to read as follows:

A new section added to be 1.7.Sec.3(b) - that would change the former 1.7.Sec.3 to 1.7.Sec.3(a)

Sec. 3 (b) No Vestry, Trustee, or other Body, authorized by Civil or Canon Law to hold, manage or administer the trusts or permanent funds of any Parish, Mission, Congregation or Institution, shall expend or otherwise encumber those funds in a manner inconsistent with standard business practice without the written consent of the Bishop and Standing Committee of the Diocese of which the Parish, Mission, Congregation or Institution is a part except under such regulations as may be prescribed by Canon of the Diocese.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Anaheim, 2009 (New York: General Convention, 2009), p. 387.