Title: Structure for the Episcopal Life Board of Governors
ID: EXC061990.41
Committee: Witness and Outreach (report 32)
Citation: Executive Council Minutes, Jun. 11-15, 1990, Fresno, CA, pp. 49-50.

Resolved, That the Executive Council adopt and implement the following amended structure for the Board of Governors of Episcopal Life:

A. Board of Governors

  1. The Board of Governors of Episcopal Life shall be made up of ten members. One member shall be elected by each of the nine provinces of the Episcopal Church. The tenth member shall be the Chairperson of the sub-committee on Communications of the Executive Council who will serve as convener and chairperson of the Board.
  2. Terms of office shall be for six years with one-half of the Board being elected every three years. Elections shall be held in each Provincial Synod beginning in the fall of 1990, or by other processes determined by each province.
  3. The initial Board will take office on January 1, 1991.
  4. To establish the three year rotation, the initial terms of three or six years for each province shall be determined by drawing lots at the Executive Council meeting in June 1990.
  5. In the interim, before January 1, 1991, the sub-committee on Communications will serve as temporary Board of Governors.

B. Principles of Organization

  1. Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society is the Corporate owner of Episcopal Life.
  2. Executive Council is the Board of Directors of DFMS.
  3. Board of Governors will:
    • a. Monitor Episcopal Life in regard to Editorial and Advertising policy for compliance and fairness in usage.
    • b. Be an ombudsman for the Church to ensure that the publication effectively serves the needs of the Church at all levels, i.e., national, diocesan, parish -- to keep the voice of the whole church in a prominent place in the operation of Episcopal Life.
    • c. Monitor the health of Episcopal Life by periodically reviewing its financial structure, its public acceptance and in other ways deemed appropriate.
    • d. Be a Board of advocacy and promotion for Episcopal Life throughout the Church.
    • e. Recommend potential policy changes to Executive Council, the Presiding Bishop and/or the Editor in Chief.
  4. The Board of Governors will meet at least once each year or more frequently at the call of the Presiding Bishop or the chairperson of the Board.
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