Reference Library

Governance and Polity: The Structure of the Church

A selection of studies locating aspects of the work of the House of Deputies in the governance structure of the Episcopal Church, both historically and today.

Anglican Polity.” Excerpt from A People Called Episcopalians: A Brief Introduction to Our Peculiar Way of Life, by the Rev. Dr. John H. Westerhoff. 1998.

Changes in the Structure, Organization, and Governance of the Episcopal Church in the Past Sixty Years, by Charles Guilbert. 1981.

Structural Development.” Excerpt from The History of the American Episcopal Church: From the Planting of the Colonies to the End of the Civil War, by S.D. McConnell, D.D. 1890.

The Structure of General Convention.” Excerpt from Many Parts, One Body: How the Episcopal Church Works, by James Dator with Jan Nunley.

The DFMS and The Episcopal Church. Report prepared by The Archives of the Episcopal Church, Sept. 14, 2012.

A History of the Executive Council. Report prepared by The Archives of the Episcopal Church, Dec. 3, 2010.

Committees, Commissions, Boards and Agencies. Report prepared by The Archives of the Episcopal Church, Dec. 17, 2010.

Selections from the Canons Relating to the Committees, Commissions, Boards and Agencies. Report prepared by The Archives of the Episcopal Church, Dec. 16, 2010.

Profiles of Committees, Commissions, Boards and Agencies. Report prepared by The Archives of the Episcopal Church, Dec. 17, 2010.

The Work of the House: Historical Documents

A selection of reports, writings, and addresses from members of the House of Deputies doing the work of the Church.

The 1976 Report of the Committee on Voting Procedures studies the practice of the “divided” vote by orders in the House of Deputies.

The 1979 Report of the Committee on the State of the Church offers an example of that committee’s triennial survey of the people who make up the Church and ascertains the issues which concern Episcopalians the most and the factors which have the greatest effect on the life of the Church. The Committee on the State of the Church has been in existence since the 18th century.

The 1985 Report of the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop offers an inside look into the selection process of the primate of the Episcopal Church. The committee consisted of a clerical and lay deputy and a bishop from each of the nine provinces.

Deputy Pam Chinnis reflects on the spiritual and emotional processes at work in the House of Deputies during the discussion of divisive issues.

President of the House of Deputies David Collins emphasizes the centrality of faith in the work of the House in his opening address at the 1988 General Convention.