Resolution Number: 1979-A043
Title: Adopt a Standard for Non-Episcopalians Receiving Holy Communion
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred As Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That the following standard be adopted for those of other Churches who on occasion desire to receive the Holy Communion in the Episcopal Church:

a. They shall have been baptized with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and shall have previously been admitted to the Holy Communion within the Church to which they belong.

b. They shall examine their lives, repent of their sins, and be in love and charity with all people, as this Church in its catechism (PBCP, p. 860). says is required of all those who come to the Eucharist.

c. They shall approach the Holy Communion as an expression of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ whose sacrifice once upon the cross was sufficient for all mankind.

d. They shall find in this Communion the means to strengthen their life within the Christian family "through the forgiveness of (their) sins, the strengthening of (their) union with Christ and one another, and the foretaste of the heavenly banquet...." (PBCP, p. 859-60)

e. Their own consciences must always be respected as must the right of their own Church membership to determine the sacramental discipline of those who, by their own choice, make that their spiritual home; and be it further

Resolved, That the "Commentary on Eucharistic Sharing," which has been recommended by the Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations and is appended to this official Report to the 66th Convention, be hereby commended as a pastoral context for the interpretation of these standards.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Denver, 1979 (New York: General Convention, 1980), p. C-51.

Legislative History

Author: The Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations
Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Committee on Ecumenical Relations

House of Bishops

On the fifth day, the Bishop of Kentucky, Chairman of the Committee on Ecumenical Relations, moved the adoption of Resolution A-43 as amended.

Proposed Committee Amendment:

Whereas, the Holy Communion must be seen in its proper context as the fellowship of committed Christians in the household of the Apostolic faith, to which we are admitted through Baptism; and

Whereas, in the Apostolic tradition which the Episcopal Church maintains and practices, the normative condition of the Church is a union in one fellowship of faith, of hearing and proclaiming the Word, of sacramental practice, of personal relations and of Church order; and

Whereas, since the General Convention of 1967 adopted a Statement of Communion Discipline, several developments have occurred that affect the practice in this Church of admitting members of other Churches to partake of the Lord's Supper at altars in the Episcopal Church, to wit:

(a) The admission of children not yet confirmed has put the focus on Baptism within our tradition and communion of faith as the sacramental prerequisite for receiving Holy Communion.

(b) The Proposed Book of Common Prayer locates the Eucharist in a central place in the life of the Christian family. All rites in the new book are placed in the context of the Eucharist.

(c) The positive response to the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission's Agreed Statement on the Eucharist (Windsor 1971) undergirds the strong agreement in this Church on the Eucharist as a mystery offered by God to his gathered Church, and the recognition of Christ's real presence in this sacrament.

(d) Ecumenical practice increasingly calls for mutual participation in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper as a means to unity and not just a sign of unity.

(e) Inasmuch as the sharing in Christ's body and blood is a sign of and a means toward a growing unity in Him, a certain openness to eucharistic sharing with those of other Communions should be maintained. This stance, however, requires a real sensitivity to the constraints of conscience on those whose Churches officially do not approve of this sacramental participation.

(f) Whenever provision is made for Eucharistic sharing under these special circumstances, it needs to be done in such a way that the receiving of Communion strengthens and sustains the responsible participation of a Christian in the ecclesial body to which he belongs; therefore be it

Resolved, the House of Deputies concurring, That the following standard be adopted for those of other Churches who on occasion desire to receive the Holy Communion in the Episcopal Church:

a. They shall have been baptized with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and shall have previously been admitted to the Holy Communion within the Church to which they belong.

b. They shall examine their lives, repent of their sins, and be in love and charity with all people, as this Church in its catechism ( PBCP, p. 860) says is required of all those who come to the Eucharist.

c. They shall approach the Holy Communion as an expression of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ whose sacrifice once upon the cross was sufficient for all mankind.

d. They shall find in this Communion the means to strengthen their life within the Christian family "through the forgiveness of (their) sins, the strengthening of (their) union with Christ and one another, and the foretaste of the heavenly banquet...." ( PBCP, p. 859-60)

e. Their own consciences must always be respected as must the right of their own Church membership to determine the sacramental discipline of those who, by their own choice, make that their spiritual home. And be it further

Resolved, That the "Commentary on Eucharistic Sharing," which has been recommended by the Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations and is appended to this official Report to the 66th Convention, be hereby commended as a pastoral context for the interpretation of these standards.

The Bishop of Kentucky moved the adoption of the following resolution: that the vote on the two Resolve [sic] paragraphs be divided.

The motion was seconded by the Bishop of Oregon.

Motion to divide carried

The Bishop of the Rio Grande moved to table the Resolution.

The motion was seconded by the Bishop Suffragan of New Jersey.

Motion to table failed

After discussion, the Bishop of Olympia moved the previous question.

The motion was seconded by the Bishop of Colorado.

Motion carried

The motion to adopt Section (f) in the last whereas clause carried.

The motion to adopt Section (e) of the first Resolve carried.

Resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #71)

House of Deputies

On the sixth day, HB Message #71 was referred to the Committee on Ecumenical Relations.

On the tenth day, the Committee on Ecumenical Relations presented its Report #10 on Resolution A-43, and recommended concurrence with HB Message #71.

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #205)

Report Reference:   Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations, Reports to the 66th General Convention, 1979, pp. AA-33-AA-84.
Abstract:   The 66th General Convention adopts standard guidelines for Eucharistic sharing and commends the commentary on these guidelines of the Standing Commission on Ecumenical Relations as a pastoral context for the interpretation of these standards.