Resolution Number: 1985-B039
Title: Express Mind of the House on Legislation for Early Childhood Programs
Legislative Action Taken: Adopted
Final Text:

Resolved, That the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church through its Committee on National Mission in Church and Society urge the Congress of the United States to reauthorize the Economic Opportunity Act or a similar policy that would ensure low-income Americans opportunities and service for early childhood development, education and training, employment, safe and affordable housing and drinking water, adequate nutrition, health care and special programs for vulnerable populations.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Anaheim, 1985 (New York: General Convention, 1986), p. 247.

Legislative History

Originating House: House of Bishops
Originating Committee: Committee on Social and Urban Affairs

House of Bishops

Original Text of Resolution:

(B039) Not Currently Available

The Bishop of Northwestern Pennsylvania, Chairman of the Committee on Social and Urban Affairs, asked that the Committee be discharged from further consideration of B039 (Method to Address the Needs of the Poor).

Motion carried

Committee discharged

Bishop William Marmion moved the second Resolved clause of B039 as an action of this House only.

Proposed Substitute:

Resolved, That the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church through its Committee on National Mission in Church and Society urge the Congress of the United States to reauthorize the Economic Opportunity Act or a similar policy that would ensure low-income Americans opportunities and service for early childhood development, education and training, employment, safe and affordable housing and drinking water, adequate nutrition, health care and special programs for vulnerable populations.

Seconded by Bishop Sherman.

Motion carried

Resolution adopted

Resolution Adopted by One House, September 13.

Abstract:   The House of Bishops of the 68th General Convention urges Congress to reauthorize the Economic Opportunity Act or a similar policy.

Although recorded as an action of the House of Bishops, resolution 1985-B039 was withdrawn by discharge of the legislative committee. Therefore, Bishop Marmion's motion to reconsider from the floor should have been carried by a two thirds vote of the majority (see HB General Rule XVIII).