Resolution Number: 2009-A031
Title: On the Topic of the Presiding Bishop's Peacemaking Efforts
Legislative Action Taken: Rejected
Final Text:

Resolution died with adjournment. See Legislative History for original text of resolution.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Anaheim, 2009 (New York: General Convention, 2009), pp. 773-774.

Legislative History

Author: The Standing Commission on Anglican and International Peace with Justice Concerns
Originating House: House of Deputies
Originating Committee: Committee on Privilege and Courtesy

House of Deputies

The House of Deputies Committee on Privilege and Courtesy presented its Report #1 on Resolution A031 (Commendatory Resolution) and moved to refer the resolution to the Standing Commission on World Mission.

Original Text of Resolution:


Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring, That the 76th General Convention commends the world-wide peacemaking efforts of the Presiding Bishop during her first triennium, especially on a visit to North and South Korea in November 2007, in support of Korean reunification in her work to support the Communion-wide efforts for further steps to reunification under the inspiring leadership of the Anglican Church of Korea; and be it further

Resolved, That the General Convention also commends the visit of the Presiding Bishop to the Philippines in June 2008 and her role in exposing the deplorable human rights abuses by elements of the Philippine government in the policy of politically motivated killings and disappearances of civic and socially conscious leaders; and be it further

Resolved, That the General Convention commends the Presiding Bishop and other Episcopalians who have worked to support the search for peace and reconciliation in the interrelated conflicts in the Sudan, Northern Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, particularly in support of the peacemaking efforts of The Episcopal Church of the Sudan, the Church of Uganda and the Anglican Church in the Congo; and be it further

Resolved, That the General Convention commends the Presiding Bishop and her predecessor, the Right Reverend Frank T. Griswold, for their work toward reconciliation between the United States and Cuba, an end to the U.S. embargo against Cuba and a strengthening of the rights and wellbeing of Cuban citizens; and in support of partnerships between dioceses in the United States and The Episcopal Church of Cuba; and also commends the efforts of the Church Pension Group in the past triennium to increase the limit imposed by the U.S. Government on the level of pension benefits that may be paid legally by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America to its ordained clergy in the Cuban Church.

Motion carried

Resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #308)

Resolution Died with Adjournment.

Report Reference:   Standing Commission on Anglican and International Peace with Justice Concerns, Reports to the 76th General Convention, 2009, pp. 91-104.
Abstract:   The 76th General Convention rejects a resolution commending a variety of world-wide peacemaking efforts of the Presiding Bishop. [Died with Adjournment]