Resolution Number: 2015-A022
Title: Amend Mandate and Membership of the Committee on Anti-Racism
Legislative Action Taken: Concurred as Amended
Final Text:

Resolved, That the mandate and membership for the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism is hereby amended to read as follows:

This Committee is charged with guiding and monitoring the Church’s work in response to General Convention resolutions directed at eliminating the sin of racism from the life of the Church by:

Recognizing and developing its anti-racism work as a fundamental and requisite part of Christian formation; monitoring and evaluating anti-racism and anti-racism related ministries and programming of The Episcopal Church and, when feasible, contributing to the oversight and coordination of said ministries and programming; recommending best practices for eliminating racism; collecting data on provincial anti-racism activities to be submitted to Executive Council on an annual basis; developing criteria for the credentialing of certified anti-racism trainers; and monitoring compliance of anti-racism legislation passed by General Convention.

Membership of the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism shall be composed of one person trained in anti-racism, named by the governing body of each province of this Church, plus one member of the Executive Council Joint Standing Committee on Advocacy and Networking for Mission and one Bishop.

(a) Each Committee member shall serve one triennium beginning January 1 in the year following each General Convention until the December 31 following the next General Convention. Members may be named to serve consecutive terms by their provinces.

(b) In the event that a province fails to name a person to serve on the Committee by the [sic] January 1, when each term begins, the Chair and Vice Chair of Executive Council shall appoint a qualified person from that province to serve on the Committee.

(c) The Chair and Vice Chair of Executive Council shall appoint the member from the Joint Standing Committee on Advocacy and Networking, and the Chair shall appoint the Bishop member.

(d) Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original members were named. Vacancies in excess of 30 days shall be filled by the Chair and Vice Chair of Executive Council, and in the case of a Bishop vacancy, by the Chair of Executive Council.

(e) To ensure representation of diverse racial and ethnic voices on this Committee, if there are no members named who are from the racial or ethnic groups of black, Latino/a, Asian, Native American/Indigenous, and non-Hispanic white, then the Chair and Vice Chair of Executive Council shall appoint a member at large from each unrepresented racial or ethnic group.

Citation: General Convention, Journal of the General Convention of...The Episcopal Church, Salt Lake City, 2015 (New York: General Convention, 2015), pp. 410-411.

Legislative History

Author: Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism
Originating House: House of Deputies
Originating Committee: Formation and Education for Ministry

House of Deputies

The House of Deputies Committee on Formation and Education for Ministry presented its Report #42 on Resolution A022 (Amend Mandate and Membership of the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism) and moved adoption [with amendment].

Original Text of Resolution:


Resolved, the House of Bishops concurring, That the mandate and membership for the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism is hereby amended to read as follows:

This Committee is charged with guiding and monitoring the Church’s work in response to General Convention resolutions directed at eliminating the sin of racism from the life of the Church by:

Recognizing and developing its anti-racism work as a fundamental and requisite part of Christian formation; Overseeing and coordinating the efforts and activities for racial justice ofmonitoring and evaluating anti-racism and anti-racism related ministries and programming of The Episcopal Church and, when feasible, contributing to the oversight and coordination of said ministries and programming; Monitoring and evaluating anti-racism programming; recommending best practices for combating eliminating racism; collecting data on provincial anti-racism activities to be submitted to Executive Council on an annual basis; developing criteria for the credentialing of certified anti-racism trainers; and monitoring compliance of anti-racism legislation passed by General Convention.

Membership of the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism shall be composed of one person trained in anti-racism, named by the governing body of each province of this Church, plus one member of the Executive Council Joint Standing Committee on Local Mission and Ministry. The term of each member shall expire at the close of General Convention in 2015.Advocacy and Networking for Mission and one Bishop.

(a) Each Committee member shall serve one triennium beginning January 1 in the year following each General Convention until the December 31 following the next General Convention. Members may be named to serve consecutive terms by their provinces.

(b) In the event that a province fails to name a person to serve on the Committee by the January 1, when each term begins, the Chair and Vice Chair of Executive Council shall appoint a qualified person from that province to serve on the Committee.

(c) The Chair and Vice Chair of Executive Council shall appoint the member from the Joint Standing Committee on Advocacy and Networking, and the Chair shall appoint the Bishop member.

(d) Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as the original members were named. Vacancies in excess of 30 days shall be filled by the Chair and Vice Chair of Executive Council, and in the case of a Bishop vacancy, by the Chair of Executive Council.

(e) To ensure representation of diverse racial and ethnic voices on this Committee, if there are no members named who are from the racial or ethnic groups of black, Latino/a, Asian, Native American/Indigenous, and non-Hispanic white, then the Chair and Vice Chair of Executive Council shall appoint a member at large from each unrepresented racial or ethnic group.

Motion carried

Resolution adopted

(Communicated to the House of Bishops in HD Message #219)

House of Bishops

The House of Bishops Committee on Formation and Education for Ministry presented its Report #27 on HD Message #219 on Resolution A022 (Amend Mandate and Membership of the Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism) and moved concurrence.

Motion carried

The House concurred

(Communicated to the House of Deputies in HB Message #319)

Resolution Concurred by Both Houses, July 3.

Report Reference:   Executive Council: Committee on Anti-Racism, Reports to the 78th General Convention, 2015, pp. 171-178.
Abstract:   The 78th General Convention revises the mandate and membership qualifications of the Executive Council's Committee on Anti-Racism.