This page contains documents relating to resolutions submitted to the 81st General Convention, meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-28, 2024.  For additional research on previous actions or topics considered by General Convention, please contact the Archives using the Research Request Form. Be sure to identify yourself as a Legislative Committee member in order to receive a priority response. The chair of any Legislative Committee may request the posting of supplementary documents provided they are related and historical in nature.

Legislative Committee Secretary Documents


Legislative Research on Proposed Legislation

Note: This page is updated frequently as resolutions are assigned to committees.

Resolution Number Title Committeesort descending Topic
2024-D006 Rejecting the Theology and Politics of Christian Zionism 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Middle East
2024-A012 On Opposing Israel's Apartheid 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Middle East
2024-D007 Peace Through Equal Rights in Israel/Palestine 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Middle East
2024-C022 Migration with Dignity 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Immigration
2024-D037 Encourage All Ministries of The Episcopal Church to Assess Intersections with Migration 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Immigration
2024-D056 Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Middle East, Peace
2024-D009 Swords Into Plowshares: U.S. Accountability and Responsibility in Rebuilding Gaza 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Middle East
2024-D058 Ceasefire in Israel–Hamas War 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Middle East, Peace
2024-D060 Support For a Solution to the Crisis in Haiti 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, International Relations
2024-D012 Conditioning U.S. Military Assistance to Israel on Human Rights and a Negotiated Peace 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Middle East
2024-D075 The Immediate Release of Ms. Layan Nasir, 24 from Administrative Detention in Israel 06 - Social Justice and International Policy International Relations, Middle East
2024-D013 Resolving the Conflict between Israel and the Palestinian People 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Middle East
2024-D062 Support and Solidarity with Armenia and Preventing further Genocide 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Ecumenism, International Relations
2024-C027 Conditioning U.S. Military Aid to Israel 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Middle East
2024-C035 End the Practice of Labor Trafficking of Migrant Youth 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Immigration, Public Policy, Social Action
2024-D067 Support Temporary Protected Status 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Immigration
2024-D021 Support for Child Labor Protections 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Labor
2024-D054 A Resolution to Address The Issue of Black Maternal Mortality Rate 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Health
2024-D034 Support and Advocacy for Restorative Justice and a Moral Commitment to Abolition of Prisons and Policing 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Prisons, Public Policy, Racism, Reconciliation
2024-D008 Protection of Water “Ola i Ka Wai - Water is Life” 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Environment, Human Rights
2024-D057 Advocate for Housing Solutions 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Housing, Human Rights, Poverty
2024-A018 Task Force on Pacifism and Just War 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Structure, Warfare
2024-C003 On Affordable Housing 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Poverty
2024-D011 The Prohibition of Assault Weapons 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Gun Control, Weapons
2024-D027 Addressing Traffic Fatalities 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Public Policy
2024-D042 Ending Child and Forced Marriage 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Human Rights, Marriage
2024-A081 Combat Rising Religious Nationalism 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Discrimination, Racism, Violence
2024-D028 Close Guantánamo Bay Prison 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Criminal Justice, Public Policy
2024-D014 Declare Gun Violence a National Health Crisis 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Gun Control, Health, Violence
2024-A166 Registration of Firearms; Licensing of Firearm Sellers, Buyers, and Users; Use of Taggants 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Gun Control, Weapons
2024-C026 Religious Liberty 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Religious Freedom
2024-B004 Commending Safe Gun Storage 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Gun Control, Weapons
2024-A167 Water Rights for Indigenous Communities and Lands 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Environment, Racism
2024-D039 Condemning Censorship 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Human Rights, LGBTQ, Racism
2024-D017 Support Regulations on Generative Artificial Intelligence 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Technology
2024-A044 Develop Sustainable Congregational Revitalization Ministries 08 - Congregational Vitality and Data-Driven Initiatives Congregations, Evangelism
2024-D024 Recommending Use of Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers 08 - Congregational Vitality and Data-Driven Initiatives Church Property
2024-A158 Addressing Church Decline and Fostering Church Revitalization 08 - Congregational Vitality and Data-Driven Initiatives Congregations, Membership
2024-D044 Task Force on Church Property Development 08 - Congregational Vitality and Data-Driven Initiatives Church Property, Evangelism, Structure
2024-A067 Rebranding the Parochial Report 08 - Congregational Vitality and Data-Driven Initiatives Parochial Reports
2024-A045 Celebrate and Support the Planting of New Episcopal Worshiping Communities 09 - Evangelism and the Future Church Evangelism
2024-A046 Support Starting New Bi-Cultural and Multi-Cultural Ministries 09 - Evangelism and the Future Church Diversity, Ethnic Ministries
2024-C011 Add Howard W. Thurman to The Episcopal Church Calendar 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar
2024-A121 Authorize the Commemoration of the Consecration of Barbara Clementine Harris -- Second Reading 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar
2024-A114 Authorize for Use Expansive Language Versions of Eucharistic Prayer C 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Book of Common Prayer, Liturgy
2024-C012 Add Howard W. Thurman to the Episcopal Church Calendar 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar
2024-A122 Withdraw the Trial Use Commemoration of Episcopal Deaconesses 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar
2024-A115 Authorized Use of Alternative Texts for the Good Friday Liturgy 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Liturgy
2024-C032 A Prayer to Remember the Innocents 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Indigenous Ministry
2024-A123 Authorize the Trial use Commemoration of Adeline Blanchard Tyler and Her Companions -- First Reading 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar