2024-A112 |
Authorize Use of the "Expanded Revised Common Lectionary Daily Readings" |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Book of Common Prayer, Liturgy |
2024-A115 |
Authorized Use of Alternative Texts for the Good Friday Liturgy |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Liturgy |
2024-B005 |
Bold Churchwide Action toward Net Carbon Neutrality by 2030 |
15 - Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation |
Environment |
2024-B002 |
Build Eco-Region Creation Networks for Crucial Impact |
15 - Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation |
Environment |
2024-D056 |
Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza |
06 - Social Justice and International Policy |
Middle East, Peace |
2024-D058 |
Ceasefire in Israel–Hamas War |
06 - Social Justice and International Policy |
Middle East, Peace |
2024-A045 |
Celebrate and Support the Planting of New Episcopal Worshiping Communities |
09 - Evangelism and the Future Church |
Evangelism |
2024-A153 |
Change to House of Deputies Debate Rules |
01 - Rules of Order/HOD |
General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order |
2024-A102 |
Churchwide Education Efforts to Control Healthcare Costs |
12 - Agencies and Boards |
Employee Benefits, Health Care |
2024-A110 |
Clarify Distinction Between Biblical and Modern Israel |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Middle East |
2024-D028 |
Close Guantánamo Bay Prison |
07 - Social Justice and United States Policy |
Criminal Justice, Public Policy |
2024-A087 |
Collect Data on Meeting Sustainable Development Goals |
04 - World Mission |
Environment |
2024-A081 |
Combat Rising Religious Nationalism |
07 - Social Justice and United States Policy |
Discrimination, Racism, Violence |
2024-C023 |
Commemorating The Philadelphia Eleven in the Church Calendar |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Church Calendar |
2024-A109 |
Commend and Expand Liturgical Resources in Recognition of the End of Slavery |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Liturgy, Racism, Reconciliation |
2024-A042 |
Commend PCUSA-TEC Dialogue |
14 - Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations |
Ecumenism, Interfaith Relations |
2024-D001 |
Commend the Episcopal Communicators Organization and Celebrate their 50th Anniversary |
23 - Privilege and Courtesy/HOD |
Courtesy |
2024-B004 |
Commending Safe Gun Storage |
07 - Social Justice and United States Policy |
Gun Control, Weapons |
2024-D029 |
Commit to the 30x30 Initiative for Biodiversity |
15 - Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation |
Church Property, Environment |
2024-A094 |
Communion Across Difference |
03 - Governance and Structure |
LGBTQ, Marriage |
2024-A135 |
Compensation for Non-stipendiary Clergy |
12 - Agencies and Boards |
Clergy Benefits |
2024-A074 |
Completing Mental Health Ministry Curriculum for Clergy |
16 - Safety, Wellness and Mental Health |
Health |
2024-A128 |
Concerning Minor Edits to Lesser Feasts and Fast |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Church Calendar, Lesser Feasts/Fasts |
2024-D039 |
Condemning Censorship |
07 - Social Justice and United States Policy |
Human Rights, LGBTQ, Racism |
2024-C027 |
Conditioning U.S. Military Aid to Israel |
06 - Social Justice and International Policy |
Human Rights, Middle East |
2024-D012 |
Conditioning U.S. Military Assistance to Israel on Human Rights and a Negotiated Peace |
06 - Social Justice and International Policy |
Human Rights, Middle East |
2024-A011 |
Confronting Apartheid |
06 - Social Justice and International Policy |
Human Rights, Middle East |
2024-A088 |
Consult with the Office of Global Partnerships |
04 - World Mission |
Evangelism, World Mission |
2024-A095 |
Continue the Task Force on Indigenous Liturgy |
05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing |
Liturgy, Reconciliation |
2024-D016 |
Continued Funding of The Beloved Community |
05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing |
Racism, Reconciliation |
2024-A162 |
Continuing the Task Force on the South Sudanese American Anglican Diaspora |
04 - World Mission |
Ecumenism, Structure |
2024-A021 |
Create a Care of Creation Loan Program for Episcopal Dioceses |
15 - Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation |
Environment |
2024-A086 |
Create a Task Force for Youth Formation and World Mission |
11 - Formation and Discipleship |
World Mission, Youth |
2024-A137 |
Create a Task Force for Youth Formation and World Mission |
11 - Formation and Discipleship |
Structure, World Mission, Youth |
2024-D030 |
Create a Task Force in Imagining a Church Grounded in Creation Healing as Christian Ministry |
15 - Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation |
Racism, Reconciliation, Structure |
2024-A080 |
Create a Task Force on Countering the Colonial Mindset |
04 - World Mission |
Racism, Reconciliation |
2024-A019 |
Create a Task Force on Senior Wellness and Positive Aging |
16 - Safety, Wellness and Mental Health |
Aging, Structure |
2024-D022 |
Create a Task Force on the Legislative Process |
01 - Rules of Order/Joint |
General Convention, Rules of Order, Structure |
2024-A059 |
Create an Official List of Recognized Religious Orders and Christian Communities |
19 - Title III: Ministry |
Canons, Ministry |
2024-A041 |
Create of a Task Force on The Episcopal Church-Anglican Communion Relationship |
03 - Governance and Structure |
Anglican Communion |
2024-D066 |
Creating a Task Force for Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Reconciliation for LGBTQIA+ |
17 - Accessibility and Inclusion |
Discrimination, LGBTQ, Reconciliation |
2024-D061 |
Creating Space for Difference |
11 - Formation and Discipleship |
Diversity, Safe Church |
2024-A017 |
Creation of a Staff Position for Director of LGBTQI and Women’s Ministries |
11 - Formation and Discipleship |
LGBTQ, Structure, Women |
2024-A131 |
Creation of a Supplement to The Hymnal 1982 |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Liturgy |
2024-D014 |
Declare Gun Violence a National Health Crisis |
07 - Social Justice and United States Policy |
Gun Control, Health, Violence |
2024-A091 |
Definition of Doctrine |
02 - Constitution and Canons |
Canons |
2024-A111 |
Develop Resources and Models for Online/in Person Hybrid Worship |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Liturgy, Technology |
2024-A044 |
Develop Sustainable Congregational Revitalization Ministries |
08 - Congregational Vitality and Data-Driven Initiatives |
Congregations, Evangelism |
2024-A097 |
Developing a Common Framework for Anti-Racism Training |
05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing |
Racism, Reconciliation |
2024-A130 |
Developing Alternative Hymn Texts |
10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music |
Liturgy |