This page contains documents relating to resolutions submitted to the 81st General Convention, meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-28, 2024.  For additional research on previous actions or topics considered by General Convention, please contact the Archives using the Research Request Form. Be sure to identify yourself as a Legislative Committee member in order to receive a priority response. The chair of any Legislative Committee may request the posting of supplementary documents provided they are related and historical in nature.

Legislative Committee Secretary Documents


Legislative Research on Proposed Legislation

Note: This page is updated frequently as resolutions are assigned to committees.

Resolution Number Titlesort descending Committee Topic
2024-C024 Diocesan Assessments to the Wider Church 03 - Governance and Structure Budget, Dioceses
2024-C005 Diocesan Conversations Regarding Provinces 03 - Governance and Structure Provinces
2024-A029 Divest from Fossil Fuels 13 - Stewardship and Socially Responsible Investing Environment, Socially Responsible Investment
2024-D026 Enable Episcopal Migration Ministries to More Fully Live Out its Mission 04 - World Mission Immigration
2024-D037 Encourage All Ministries of The Episcopal Church to Assess Intersections with Migration 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Immigration
2024-C035 End the Practice of Labor Trafficking of Migrant Youth 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Immigration, Public Policy, Social Action
2024-D042 Ending Child and Forced Marriage 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Human Rights, Marriage
2024-A020 Establish a Standing Commission on Care of Creation and Environmental Racism 15 - Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation Environment, Racism, Structure
2024-A127 Establish a Working Group to Update Biographies in Lesser Feasts and Fasts 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar, Lesser Feasts/Fasts
2024-A035 Establish Model Policies for Anti/Racism/Racial Reconciliation Work 05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing Racism, Reconciliation
2024-A026 Establishing a Database for Title IV Outcomes on the Office of Transitional Ministry Profiles of Clergy 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Discipline, Technology
2024-A134 Establishing a Task Force for the Funding and Study of Compensation and Benefits for Deacons and Non-Stipendiary Priests 12 - Agencies and Boards Clergy Benefits, Structure
2024-A133 Establishing a Task Force for the Study of Fair Hiring Policies within The Episcopal Church 17 - Accessibility and Inclusion DFMS/PECUSA, Employee Benefits, Structure
2024-A132 Establishing an Online Hub for Continuing Formation and Ministry Resources 11 - Formation and Discipleship Christian Formation, Ministry, Technology
2024-D015 Examine the Disparity in Treatment in the Adjudication of Clergy under Title IV Disciplinary Process by Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation 18 - Title IV: Disciplinary Canons Discipline
2024-B001 Experimental Creation Care Language for the Baptismal Covenant 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Baptism, Environment
2024-D004 Express Solidarity with Palestinians as an Indigenous People 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Middle East
2024-A006 Feasibility Study of a Fund to Pay Congregations’ Future Benefit Obligations 12 - Agencies and Boards Employee Benefits, Small Churches
2024-A098 Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation 15 - Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation Environment
2024-A001 General Convention Daily Agenda 21 - Dispatch of Business/HOD General Convention
2024-A032 Hire a Chief Equity Officer 05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing DFMS/PECUSA, Racism
2024-A156 House of Deputies Rules of Order on Written Comments 01 - Rules of Order/HOD General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order
2024-A157 House of Deputies Rules on Legislative Committee Report Deadline 01 - Rules of Order/HOD General Convention, House of Deputies, Rules of Order
2024-B006 Include the Episcopal Church in Micronesia in the Diocese of Hawai’i 03 - Governance and Structure Dioceses
2024-D049 Increase by One the Possible Number of Bishops Suffragans in a Diocese 02 - Constitution and Canons Bishops, Constitution--First Reading
2024-A027 Increase Recruitment, Hiring, Appointment, Retention, and Representation of People of Color in Church Positions 05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing Racism, Reconciliation
2024-A007 Invitation to CPF to Forecast Effects of Reduced Pension Assessment Obligations on Clergy Deployment and on Benefit Levels 12 - Agencies and Boards Church Pension Fund, Employee Benefits, Small Churches
2024-A084 Join The Communion Forest 15 - Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation Environment
2024-C025 Juncture of The Episcopal Dioceses of Eastern and Western Michigan 03 - Governance and Structure Dioceses
2024-D019 Justice and Peace in Ukraine 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Peace, Warfare
2024-A129 Lectionary for Lesser Feasts and Fasts 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Church Calendar, Lesser Feasts/Fasts
2024-D048 Length of Future General Conventions 03 - Governance and Structure General Convention
2024-A116 Marriage Rites for Inclusion in the Book of Common Prayer (First Reading) 10 - Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music Book of Common Prayer, Structure
2024-A079 Mental Health Sunday 16 - Safety, Wellness and Mental Health Health
2024-C015 Migration with Dignity 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Refugees
2024-C022 Migration with Dignity 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Immigration
2024-C031 Migration with Dignity 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Immigration
2024-C013 Migration with Dignity 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Refugees
2024-A030 No Investment in Certain Weapons 13 - Stewardship and Socially Responsible Investing Socially Responsible Investment, Weapons
2024-C003 On Affordable Housing 07 - Social Justice and United States Policy Poverty
2024-D063 On Mandatory Diocesan Assessment 03 - Governance and Structure Budget, Dioceses
2024-A012 On Opposing Israel's Apartheid 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Middle East
2024-C002 On Responsible Travel to the Holy Land 07 - Social Justice and International Policy Middle East
2024-C001 On the Most Reverend Michael Bruce Curry 23 - Privilege and Courtesy/HOD Courtesy
2024-A015 Owning a Commitment to Reparations 05 - Racial Truth-Telling, Reckoning and Healing Racism, Reconciliation
2024-D007 Peace Through Equal Rights in Israel/Palestine 06 - Social Justice and International Policy Human Rights, Middle East
2024-C009 Petition of the Episcopal Church In Navajoland to become a Missionary Diocese 03 - Governance and Structure New Dioceses
2024-A040 Practical Guidance for Christian-Muslim Relations 14 - Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations Ecumenism, Interfaith Relations
2024-A039 Practical Guidance for Episcopal-Jewish Relations 14 - Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations Ecumenism, Interfaith Relations
2024-A038 Practical Guidance for Interreligious Relations 14 - Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations Interfaith Relations, Seminaries, Theological Education