November 8, 1974

Report to the Episcopal Church on the XII Plenary Session of the Consultation on Church Union


Diocesan Press Service
John M. Krumm, Chairman, Episcopal Delegation

[# 314-2       EPISCOPAL D...]
# 314-2 EPISCOPAL DELEGATES IN COCU SESSION -- Several of the delegates representing the Episcopal Church during the 12th annual Plenary of the Consultation on Church Union (COCU) listen to a speaker during the opening day's session. From left they are the Rev. C. Fitzsimons Allison, Virginia Theological Seminary; Professor Charles Radfor Lawrence, Pomona, N.Y.; Mrs. Theodore (Cynthia) Wedel, Alexandria, Va.; Presiding Bishop John M. Allin; the Very Rev. Roland Foster, dean of the General Theological Seminary, New York, N.Y.; and Mrs. Phebe M. Hoff, Richmond, Va.( PHOTO CREDIT for above photographs: Worley Rodehaver, INTERCHANGE).