December 22, 1969

Picture Captions: Various


Diocesan Press Service

[Pictured are new members...]
Pictured are new members of Executive Council who attended their first sessions of the Council held at Christ Church, Greenwich, Conn., and at Seabury House in December. Seated (left to right), the Rev. W. G. Henson Jacobs, Michael Simson, the Very Rev. Dillard Robinson, Miss Barbara Harris, Leonardo Molina; standing, Miss Jo Angelyn Heinmuller and the Rt. Rev. John M. Burgess, Bishop Coadjutor of Massachusetts. Other new members not shown in the picture are the Rt. Rev. Wilburn C. Campbell, Bishop of West Virginia, and Roger Campbell. Bishops Campbell and Burgess are Provincial representatives. The other new members represent the youth of the Church and minority groups, an expansion of the Council membership voted at the South Bend Convention. They will serve until October, 1970.