November 4, 1982

Photo Caption: Van Culin Appointment


Episcopal News Service

[The Rev. Samuel Van Culin...]
The Rev. Samuel Van Culin, center, emerges from his future offices after he was named secretary-general of the Anglican Consultative Council; the co-ordinating and program agency of the world-wide Anglican Communion. Currently executive for world mission at the Episcopal Church Center in New York, Van Culin will succeed Bishop John Howe who has held the post since it was created in 1968. With Van Culin are the Primus of Scotland, the Most Rev. A.I.M. Haggart and John Denton. Denton chairs the Council while the primus led the search committee that chose the widely-known American priest. Van Culin is the second Episcopalian to hold a communion-wide post. Bishop Stephen F. Bayne was communion executive officer from 1960 until 1965.