Newsmakers in Brief

Episcopal News Service. January 6, 2005 [010605-1-A]

Newsmakers: Albert Gooch, Stanley B. Hubbard Jr., Margaret Larom, Patrick Mauney

As MARGARET LAROM assumes her new role as director of Anglican and Global Relations for the Episcopal Church, the Rev. Canon PATRICK MAUNEY, outgoing director, speaks to ENS about some of the changes he has experienced during his 23-year tenure.

ENS: What are your parting thoughts as director of Anglican and Global Relations for the church?

Mauney: It's really a time of transition ... in the global mission of the Episcopal Church [and] the Anglican Communion ... Some things have come to maturity and other things have yet to grow. And the Anglican Communion is a very different place because of globalization, particularly in terms of information technology. Twenty-two years ago, when I first came to this desk, every day I would have a huge stack of mail with foreign stamps on it, and sometimes they would take two or three weeks to get here -- and now the world is right at our fingertips.

ENS: What do Episcopalians have to learn from other Anglicans?

Mauney: That the world is a larger and more wonderful place than we could ever have imagined, and that God is always larger than our divisions.

And I sense a tremendous desire of Episcopalians to be involved in the world. I think most of that is a very healthy sign. And with the Windsor Report we're really going to have to ask ourselves how we're going to be involved in the world in a way that contributes to the health of the world.

We have a higher number of missionaries and desires of people to be in missionary service than we've had in the years that I've been here. We have many more companions abroad in other churches who want to be here. I'm very optimistic.

ENS: What are you planning to do in retirement?

Mauney: I'm going to stay on three church-related boards, but no other plans as yet. I like the Quaker dictum: "proceed as the way opens."

Stanley B. Hubbard Jr. begins as new president of Kanuga

STANLEY B. HUBBARD JR., a native of Charlotte, North Carolina, succeeds ALBERT GOOCH as president of Kanuga Conferences, Inc., in Hendersonville, North Carolina.

Hubbard has been an active Episcopalian, serving as a vestry member, chair of various committees, usher and Sunday school teacher in several parishes.

Having pursued a 31-year career as a business executive and management consultant, Hubbard anticipates building on Kanuga's traditions. "My personal experience with Kanuga over the past 15 years has revealed a wealth of knowledge, skill, and faithfulness shared by the staff and board. That gives me great confidence about Kanuga's future," he said. "For years I have longed for a way to fully integrate my lay ministry and professional work, so the opportunity at Kanuga was like a door opening. I realize now that I have been searching for something like Kanuga. I am grateful that Kanuga was searching for somebody like me."

Stan is married to Carol Hubbard, an Episcopal priest. They have been married 26 years and have two children, Clark, 22, and Julia, 17.