Resources available to enhance Lent

Episcopal News Service. February 6, 2009 [020609-02]

Joe Bjordal

On Ash Wednesday, February 25, the church embarks on the season of Lent, ending with Easter Sunday, April 12. The Book of Common Prayer invites all to observe "a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy word."

"Lent is really a good time for a spiritual tune-up," said the Rev. Terry L. Martin, program officer for evangelism in the Episcopal Church's Center for Evangelism and Congregational Life, in an interview.

Martin is the author of one of several resources being offered by church-wide agencies and dioceses to enhance the Lenten experience for individuals, groups and congregations.

Here's a roundup:

A Spiritual Journey: A Small Group Lenten Resource

From the Center for Evangelism and Congregational Life, The Episcopal Church

This Lenten study guide is intended to assist congregations and their leaders to deepen their walk with Christ. Participants are invited to view their lives as a spiritual journey. We do not travel alone, however. We are joined by companions along the way. As together we begin this journey, we are also assured that Christ is in our midst. How do we encounter God, made known to us through Jesus Christ, in our day-to-day lives? How can we increase our awareness of God's presence among us? Those are the primary questions we will attempt to address along the way. This resource will attempt to assist us in opening our eyes to more ways that God is revealed to us.

Martin said this resource has also been designed as a tool for evangelism. The course includes opportunities to craft and tell personal faith stories. "My feeling is that telling our stories is one of the keys to evangelism," said Martin. "Listening to the stories of others and listening to where God's story is alive in others is the focus of this resource."

Martin says the program has been influenced by his 16 years of parish ministry, is designed to be facilitated by either lay or clergy leaders and includes a facilitators' guide, includes five sessions designed to last sixty minutes and the materials are not copyrighted and available for reproduction as necessary.

Download here. (A Spanish version will be available before the beginning of Lent.)


Peace & Compassion: To Heal a Hurting World

A Daily Devotional from Episcopal Relief and Development

The devotional includes an adaptation of the Rev. Barbara C. Crafton's "Almost-Daily eMos" meditations and highlights the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), offering ways for parishioners to help achieve these life-saving goals, especially through Episcopal Relief & Development's MDG Inspiration Fund. It provides a prayerful way to consider the needs of vulnerable people, and gives Episcopalians an opportunity to reach out to those who are suffering.

Download in English or Spanish.

Printed copies of the devotional are available free of charge (shipping fees apply) and must be ordered by February 16 to insure delivery by Ash Wednesday. Order online here or call 800.903.5544.

The meditations are also available for daily delivery by email. Sign up here.


The Church in the World: Looking to the Future

From the Episcopal Public Policy Network, Advocacy Center, The Episcopal Church

Lent is a season of reflection and preparation. With that in mind the EPPN will again have a Lenten series focused on resources, including educational materials, around key public policy issues as they relate to the Church. During the last two years, the EPPN has targeted its Lenten education series on a single issue intended to be a large advocacy effort and one on which relatively little work was done in the past. With a new Congress in session and a new president, things in Washington, D.C. are moving fast and furiously, and there are many policy issues being considered. This year our series will spotlight issues following the theme The Church in the World: Looking to the Future. This series will introduce some of the key policy areas that the EPPN will focus on in the 111th Congress including health care reform, foreign aid restructuring, Native American poverty, energy and environment, and immigration reform.

This resource is available to members of the Episcopal Public Policy Network. To learn more and to join the network, click here.


Resources for Children

From the Center for Evangelism and Congregational Life, The Episcopal Church

The Office of Children's Formation, in the Center for Evangelism and Congregational Life, is offering several Lenten resources for children. They include a Shrove Tuesday Service for Children, an Order for Ash Wednesday for children, how to make palm crosses, and resources from Candle Press.

Links to the resources are here.


40 Days of Lent: Spending Time in God's Word
From Forward Movement Publications

Personal prayer is the focus of Forward Movement's Lenten meditations for 2009. A day by day response to the readings assigned for Lent, this devotional invites true spiritual discipline through themes of fasting, prayer, devotion to God, forgiveness, denial of self, and service to others. Written by the Rev. Janis Johnson, rector and pastor of the shared ministry of All Saints' Episcopal and Hope Lutheran Churches in Heppner, Oregon.

Price: $3.00; 10 or more at $2.00 each. Order online here or call 1-800-543-1813.


Let's Take A Walk: A Lenten Retreat

Kanuga Conference Center, March 8-11

Christians are called to a unique walk, the journey of a lifetime. Scripture is filled with comings and goings, arrivals and departures. As Jesus walked with his friends, his followers today walk with him still. This retreat offers an opportunity to reflect on our life as travelers in his company. Kanuga's 2009 Lenten Retreat will feature the Rev. Margaret Guenther as keynote presenter, with workshops presented by the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer.

Details and online registration here.


Washed and Renewed: A Lenten Bible Study

From the Diocese of California

"Washed & Renewed" is a six-session introduction to spiritual practices, leadership skills, and the Gospel of Mark, using the life-giving qualities of water as a framework for understanding God's redemptive action in Holy Scripture and creation. It is designed to be led in small groups and based on the LifeCycles spiritual formation and ministry development process, developed by the LifeCycles Collaborative Development Team, Harvesters, LeaderResources and the Episcopal Divinity School. The series has been developed for the Diocese of California's Area Ministry Teams but can be used by congregations and ministry groups throughout the church.

Download the booklet here.


Online Lenten Calendar

From the Diocese of West Texas

The Episcopal Diocese of West Texas will feature an online Lenten Calendar with daily meditations, scriptures and pictures. Particular days (Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, and every Sunday) will feature audio recordings from past and present bishops. There will also be Lenten materials like devotional mite boxes and daily outreach ideas that can be printed from the website.

Go here and click on "Daily Lenten Calendar" beginning February 25.


Lastly, a resourceful idea:

Making Maundy Thursday a Day of Service

From Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, Houston, Texas

On Maundy Thursday, April 9, more than 100 parishioners at Holy Spirit Episcopal Church in Houston are planning to take the day off from their regular jobs and spend the day in service to their neighbors. Teams will be helping to feed the hungry, visit the elderly and infirm, deliver water and food to the homeless, do yard work, repair projects and other tasks.

"Before the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of his twelve disciples, teaching them to literally lower themselves before those whom they would lead," explained Rev. David Puckett, Holy Spirit's rector. "The church commemorates that day in Holy Week as Maundy Thursday. We have chosen to reinforce the message of servant leadership by holding our community service day on Maundy Thursday."