FORT WORTH: Bishop says he's still uncertain about attending Lambeth

Episcopal News Service. February 21, 2008 [022108-03]

Episcopal Diocese of Forth Worth Bishop Jack Iker has told the diocese that he is not sure whether he will attend the 2008 Lambeth Conference.

In a February 20 message posted on the diocesan website, Iker says he will attend the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) just before Lambeth, the every-10-years gathering of Anglican bishops.

GAFCON has been divided between a consultation in Jordan June 18-22 followed by a pilgrimage to Jerusalem June 22-29, according to a February 19 announcement from the organizers. Iker said in his message that he will participate in the pilgrimage. He made no mention of the consultation. The message noted that participation in the gathering is by invitation only.

"I want to demonstrate my solidarity with the Bishops of the Global South," Iker said, "and to stand with them as we seek a positive way forward for the mission of the Anglican Communion during this time of dissension. I expect it to be a time of spiritual renewal and refreshment."

Iker said that he is consulting with "several other bishops" whom he does not name about whether to attend Lambeth. "He also will be seeking the advice of his own clergy," his message said.

The bishop did attend the 1998 Lambeth gathering, the message notes.

Iker will be on sabbatical during both the GACON and Lambeth gatherings, according to the message.