Media Alert for Primates' Meeting in London, October 15-16

Episcopal News Service. October 1, 2003 [031001-2-A]

The Anglican Communion Office and Lambeth Palace have announced the proposed media arrangements for the Primates' Meeting scheduled for October 15-16 in London.

The meeting was called by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams in the wake of decisions by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church USA to confirm the election of Gene Robinson, an openly priest living in a committed relationship, as bishop in the Diocese of New Hampshire and recognition that some dioceses are blessing same-gender relationships.

Although the meetings of archbishops/presiding bishops/moderators of the 38 members of the Anglican Communion are not legislative, they have served as important conversations about common issues throughout the church.

Background information will be posted on the ACNS web site at beginning October 4 and journalists are urged to check the site for further details on the meeting.

The meetings are private meetings and therefore neither visitors nor press are permitted to attend. A single pooled access opportunity is being considered for the early part of the meeting to provide some visual images. There will be no other access to Lambeth Palace, the London home and offices of the archbishop of Canterbury. Satellite trucks will not be allowed to part anywhere near the gates to the palace.

As plans develop, it may be possible to arrange briefings for journalists for updates as the meeting progresses, although the primates themselves may make that decision once the meeting convenes. It is not likely that any of the primates will be available to the media once the meeting begins. Lambeth/ACO staff will, however, pass on written requests for interviews.

A final press conference is planned, most likely on October 16, at a location not yet announced. Space will be limited so pre-registration will be needed. Final details will be available on the ACNS web site.


James Rosenthal at the Anglican Communion Office, tel. 011 44207 921 0398 or e-mail at

The Rev. Jonathan Jennings and Sarah Williams are contacts for the archbishop of Canterbury and can be reached at 011 44207 898 1280 or e-mail at