Trinity Wall Street awards more than $3 million in grants worldwide

Episcopal News Service. March 17, 2009 [031709-03]

The Trinity Grants Program, part of Trinity Wall Street, distributed grants of more than $1 million to aid communities in metropolitan New York during 2008.

An additional $2 million was awarded to Episcopal dioceses in the United States and the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The complete list of grants is available here.

Trinity Wall Street makes grants within five key areas: raising a generation of leaders in metropolitan New York, strengthening the Anglican church in the Global South, supporting spiritual formation and development in the Episcopal Church, connecting telecommunications within the Anglican Communion and strengthening Anglican global partnerships.

The New York metro programs include initiatives that support the re-education of prisoners, the enrichment of public school education and workforce development. Among the organizations to receive funding are Common Cents, Gay Men's Health Crisis, Sustainable South Bronx, South Bronx Churches and Hudson Link for Higher Education in Prison.

Trinity also funded programs across the U.S. to promote young adult spirituality and community service.

Elsewhere in the Anglican Communion, grants have been distributed in Namibia, Uganda, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo and other areas to support education, telecommunications, environmental protection and community lending programs.

"Trinity grants share a common purpose: to improve the human condition," said the Rev. Dr. James H. Cooper, rector of Trinity Wall Street. "With these awards, we recognize the social transformation efforts of local New York area leaders and global organizations that are true agents of change."

The Rev. Canon James G. Callaway, Trinity's deputy for Anglican partnerships and faith formation, noted that over the last 35 years the grants program has made grants totaling more than $72 million in 85 countries. "These awards provide an opportunity to change communities for the better," he said. "They are an active expression of the Anglican Communion's solidarity and worldwide commitment."

Trinity also directed grant monies toward encouraging and furthering the work of Anglican global partnerships. The Trinity Global Partners Initiative funds mission projects that are sponsored jointly by a diocese of the Episcopal Church in the United States and an Anglican diocese elsewhere. More information about the Global Partners Initiative is available here.

Applications for 2009 grants are now being accepted and information about that process is available here.