Via Media Members Speak Out...

Episcopal News Service. March 30, 2004 [040330-2b]

"I am involved with Springfield Via Media and the larger Via Media organization because, while I object strenuously to the actions of last summer's General Convention, I wish to remain a part of ECUSA. I believe God calls us to work together to discern His will and His yearning for us as a people. The history of schismatic groups in Anglicanism has been pretty pitiful, and I believe that's because God hopes for us to strive always for greater unity, not less. Archbishop Robert Runcie told the 1988 Lambeth Conference that the splintering of Christendom into denominations is only necessary because of our sinful nature. 'Neither conflicting Christians, nor competing Christians, nor even co-existing Christians can witness effectively to Christ's gospel of love,' he said. In the current turmoil, Hymn #315 [Thou, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray], particularly the second verse, has spoken very powerfully to me."

--Betsy Rogers, Springfield Via Media

"I am a cradle Episcopalian but have become a lifetime member of the church because I love the richness of its message--a church based on Scripture, faith and reason... I joined Episcopal Voices in an effort to unite with other moderates who are concerned that the Diocese of Central Florida in its joining with the new Network is building bridges with Anglican primates in Africa and Asia, but not building unity within ECUSA. EV was created to 'give voice' to the many people in this diocese who may have widely varying views about sexuality issues within the church, but who want to remain in communion with ECUSA, the Anglican Church and their members and leaders. While we may be the minority opinion as far as diocesan leadership goes, I believe we represent the views of a majority of people in the diocese who haven't found a way to express themselves."

--Leslie Poole, Episcopal Voices of Central Florida

"When I heard Bishop [Jack] Iker was signing us up [for the Network of Anglican Communion Dioceses and Parishes], I looked at their website, and was horrified. I am loyal to the Episcopal Church of the United States of America. I support ordaining women, civil rights, the ordination of Bishop Robinson (in New Hampshire), and the fact that as Episcopalians, we can agree to disagree and still come to the table to share the Lord's Blessing. "

--Robin Rhyand, Fort Worth Via Media

"I began participating in activities of The Gathering in 2001 shortly after a person who participates in the group nominated me for a position on the [diocesan] Executive Council. I was elected to the Council that fall, and members of The Gathering have provided great support and encouragement to me during my service.... The Gathering provides me with the opportunity for conversation about issues from more than a single, narrow point of view. As a gay man in a long-term committed relationship, I often feel disenfranchised by things that the Bishop of Dallas and others say and do. It is very hurtful when their 'deeply held religious beliefs' are used as a way to perpetuate the notion that my partner and I are not fully welcome in the Church. The Gathering helps me remember that there are many moderate Christians in Dallas that do not share that notion.

--David Schulze, The Gathering, Dallas

"PEP really represents the main and central stream of the Episcopal Church in a Diocese whose leaders are trying to be everything but that. PEP is the caring presence obviously honoring the dignity of all human beings, and supportive of the boundaries and structures set by the constitution and canons of the Episcopal Church. Not all PEP members agree, some more 'liberal' than others, but all are working very hard to maintain ECUSA."

--Bishop Walter C. Righter and Nancy R. Righter, Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh