House of Deputies president launches new web pages

Episcopal News Service. April 8, 2010 [040810-01]

ENS staff

Newly updated web pages of House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson offer information about her ministry and role in the church as well as insight into the governance of the Episcopal Church.

The pages are available here.

Located within the Episcopal Church's main website, the new pages debuted April 7.

"The House of Deputies is a vibrant, essential part of the Episcopal Church's polity and witness to the world," Anderson said in a news release. "I hope that these new web pages will give deputies and others the resources they need to continue their work between conventions and provide the wider church with a rich understanding of our democratic polity and commitment to mission in Christ's name."

The pages include news of Anderson's travels around the church and the Anglican Communion, photos, information on the role of deputies, as well as her recent sermons and statements.

Two sections will provide first-hand reports on the work and perspectives of deputies across the church. Changing regularly, "Between Conventions" will offer updates of activities of Committees, Commissions, Agencies and Boards (CCABs) while in "Featured Voice" visitors will hear from some of the 800+ members of the House of Deputies.

"In 'Featured Voice,' you will hear from people whose work and experience I consider especially compelling," Anderson said. Posted there now are articles by Richard Miller of the Diocese of Southeast Florida; Jack Finlaw of the Diocese of Colorado; and Nancy Key of Diocese of San Joaquin.

And in "Between Conventions" is a report from the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music.

The updated look to Anderson's web pages was developed by Bill Joseph, a deputy from the Diocese of Ohio, with assistance from Barry Merer, a staff member in the Episcopal Church Center's Office of Communication.

The Rev. Vicki Zust, a former deputy from the Diocese of Southern Ohio and now rector of St. Paul's, Harris Hill, in the Diocese of Western New York, coordinates the "Between Conventions" and "Featured Voice" sections of the site.