Web Improvements Embrace Church's Mission Priorities

Episcopal News Service. April 26, 2005 [042605-1-A]

Recent improvements to the Episcopal Church website at www.episcopalchurch.org include a new site map, an A-to-Z directory and an advanced search page, combining to make for simpler navigation and improved accuracy in searching. Further changes and enhancements have been made to the web pages of Ministries with Young People, Congregational Development and Companion Diocese Relationships, a sub-section of the Anglican and Global Relations website.

These improvements are part of a comprehensive enhancement of the Episcopal Church website to occur throughout the coming year and reflect the Episcopal Church's commitment to its mission priorities -- as identified by the Executive Council and General Convention -- especially in reaching out to young adults and youth, revitalizing and transforming congregations, and reaffirming the importance of partnerships with other provinces of the Anglican Communion.

Information relating to these improvements follow:

"Find it"

* Site Map


Like a table of contents, the www.episcopalchurch.org Site Map is an ordered listing of the website's contents. Sections are listed under eight primary category headings, and each listing has a direct link.

* A-to-Z Directory


The A to Z Directory is an alphabetical guide to the major subjects and topics included on the Episcopal Church website. A special icon indicates links that leave the www.episcopalchurch.org website.

** Advanced Search - In development for release within the year.

Ministries with Young People


The Episcopal Church's Ministries with Young People works with persons under 30, adults who advocate and work with young people and provides programming, networks, advocacy and resources for those doing ministry on college/university campuses.

The improved "Ministries with Young People" website includes information and resources for children's ministries, educators, higher education, and young adult and youth ministries.

Congregational Development


Congregational Development produces resources for congregations and dioceses that will be useful in the ongoing work of growing healthy and vital congregations.

The improved "Congregational Development" website includes research results, information about the 20/20 mission movement for the Episcopal Church, upcoming training events for congregational leaders and resources for new church development.

Companion Diocese Relationships


The Anglican and Global Relations Office (AGR) works to ensure, in the most comprehensive and coordinated manner possible, the full participation of Episcopalians in the worldwide mission of the church, especially as part of the Anglican family. Partnership in Mission is at the heart of all relationships, both within the Anglican Communion and throughout the wider church. Companion Diocese Relationships offer dioceses in the Episcopal Church opportunities to engage in mission activity with dioceses internationally, as part of the Partners in Mission process throughout the Anglican Communion.

The improved "Companion Dioceses Relationships" section of the AGR website, includes information about more than 100 different Companion Diocese relationships, which dioceses around the world are seeking new relationships, guidelines for establishing a relationship, and the theology behind the concept "partners in mission."