Presiding Bishop's Message on the Meeting of the Lambeth Commission

Episcopal News Service. June 18, 2004 [061804-3]

On the afternoon of June 15 I met with members of the Lambeth Commission under the chairmanship of the Most Rev. Robin Eames, Primate of All Ireland. Participating with me in this conversation were: the Very Rev. George Werner, President of the House of Deputies; the Rt. Rev. Arthur Williams, former Vice-President of the House of Bishops; the Rt. Rev. Charles Jenkins, the President of my Council of Advice; David Beers Esq., my chancellor, and Barbara Braver, a member of my staff.

During our remarks and in our conversation and response to questions from the Commission, we sought to give a full and accurate picture of the present state of our church, and to dispel a number of misapprehensions. As Presiding Bishop of the whole church it was important for me to make sure that I, along with my colleagues, sought honestly to represent the breadth of views and the depth of feeling that exists in different parts of our household. At the same time, we sought to make clear that the overwhelming reality of the Episcopal Church is the diverse center in which differing views are held in tension because of our common desire to live together in the communion of the Holy Spirit, and to manifest Christ's reconciling love to our divided and broken world.

Because the Commission's work is to assist the Anglican Communion in dealing with serious differences, I very much hope that our several voices were able to convey some of the ways in which we in this church are seeking to live honestly and respectfully with divergent views within our own province.

The work of the Commission is indeed difficult and therefore its members need the support of our prayers.

The Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold

Presiding Bishop and Primate

June 18, 2004