From Columbus: ENS Offers Bulletin Insert About the 26th Presiding Bishop-elect

Episcopal News Service. June 19, 2006 [061906-4-A]

The latest in a series of Sunday bulletin inserts with news about the Episcopal Church and information on the 75th General Convention meeting in Columbus, Ohio, has been posted on the Episcopal News Service website.

This edition, suggested for used in June 25 Sunday bulletins, highlights the election of Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori as the 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church.

NewsLink's "Grow in Understanding" bulletin inserts are meant as a teaching tool. They will give your congregants information about the Episcopal Church and the General Convention, including how the convention makes its decisions. Each insert lists resources for further study and reflection.

The inserts, available in English and Spanish, are posted on the ENS website at and

Print formats may be downloaded for easy duplication and insertion into a congregational service leaflet or newsletter. The design format is black-and-white on half of an 8.5" by 11" sheet, double-sided.

The topics in the entire insert series -- titled "Grow in Understanding" -- are:

* The Episcopal Church's beginnings

* The Episcopal Church today

* Episcopal Church ministries between conventions

* The Anglican Communion (and the Convention Octave of Prayer)

* How the Episcopal Church is organized for mission

* The General Convention

* The Presiding Bishop election