Interview with the Presiding Bishop on the Lambeth Conference

Episcopal News Service. July 8, 2008 [070808-02]

Neva Rae Fox

As the Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion prepare for the Lambeth Conference, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori shared her views and her hopes for the July 16-August 3 gathering in a recent question-and-answer session.

ENS: You addressed the topic of the Lambeth Conference in a webcast on May 20. At that time you called the Lambeth Conference an opportunity for bishops throughout the Anglican Communion to meet each other, that "we encounter each other as human beings working in vastly different contexts around the globe and that we build relationships." Do you maintain that view of the Lambeth Conference?

KJS: Yes.

ENS: What do you see as the heart of the Lambeth Conference?

KJS: Conversation, spending time together, and beginning to learn something about each others' contexts.

ENS: Do you think the GAFCON statement will have an impact on the workings of the Lambeth Conference?

KJS: No, not unless a significant number of those in attendance in Jerusalem do come to the Lambeth Conference.

ENS: What would you say to the primates and bishops who have announced they are boycotting, or refusing to come, to the Lambeth Conference?

KJS: I would say that "we'll miss you," because all benefit from many voices at gatherings like the Lambeth Conference.

ENS: What message do you plan to bring to the Lambeth Conference?

KJS: That the mission of God is far larger than anything we disagree about.

ENS: Are there topics of discussion that you would like to see addressed at the Lambeth Conference? Are there any topics that you might introduce either in formal or informal discussion groups?

KJS: It appears that the broad framework for conversations has already been defined, but I will continue to urge discussion of mission and how we can be better partners in addressing God's mission.

ENS: What are you looking forward to the most at the Lambeth Conference? What are you looking forward to the least at the Lambeth Conference?

KJS: I am most looking forward to meeting people from a great variety of contexts. I can't really cite anything that I am looking forward to the least.

ENS: What kind of presence will the Episcopal Church have at the Lambeth Conference?

KJS: The bishops of the Episcopal Church will represent about one-quarter of all bishops in attendance. One of our tasks is not to overwhelm the gathering just by our sheer numbers.

ENS: When the Lambeth Conference concludes, and everyone has returned home to his/her own dioceses, what do you see for the Episcopal Church, for the Anglican Communion?

KJS: I see us all having a better knowledge of mission contexts across the Communion and a greater number and depth of relationships, which can lead to greater effectiveness in mission for all involved.

ENS: Do you have any recommendations or ideas for the members of the Episcopal Church while the Lambeth Conference is underway?

KJS: Yes -- please pray for us.