Readers Responses on the Lambeth Conference

Episcopal News Service. July 19, 2008 [071908-06]

The July 19 readers' responses relating to the Lambeth Conference follow.

Archbishop of Canterbury opens the 2008 Lambeth Conference

Robert Lefebvre, Jr. • Somersworth, New Hampshire

It is again very sad to read that the Archbishop of Canterbury still continues to be a hypocrite. His comment, "The Lord of the church commands that we must love one another in the process and there is no alternative to that," shows the hypocrisy. If Rowan really believes this, then Gene Robinson needed to be included in the roster of duly elected diocesan bishops invited to attend Lambeth 2008. The act of love for one another is an inclusive command, it is not exclusive. Exclusion only makes things worse and the Archbishop only has himself to blame. May God really work through the Holy Spirit, a spirit who does not exclude but brings everyone together in mutual love and respect.

Lambeth Conference Daily Account: Lexington Bishop Stacy Sauls

Philip Linder • Columbia, South Carolina

Please know of my prayers for you and for all of the bishops at Lambeth. I deeply appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts and hopes. I too am praying for the Anglican Communion in the spirit of hope and unity in Christ Jesus our Lord. God bless you.

Lambeth Conference Daily Account: New Jersey Bishop George Councell

Bob Greiner • Boston, Massachusetts

These daily stories are wonderful; they reveal personal insights and a chance to get to know a bit more about each of the bishops writing. I was struck by the comment that "a single Christian is no Christian" in the light of Bishop Robinson being excluded from this great community of his peers. Bishop Robinson has shared his pain in his recent daily communication, in which he is forced to be a "single Christian." I think we all yearn that all bishops might be able to share this time together. And in spite of some of the pain, this conference appears to hold such a possibility of enriching a deeper communion among our bishops. I continue to give thanks for our bishops and for all who are working to build bridges.

Archbishop of Canterbury opens the 2008 Lambeth Conference

June Butler • Thibodaux, Louisiana

Archbishop Williams stressed that "the conference had a very strong emphasis on drawing together around the Bible and had been designed as a place "in which every voice can be heard and in which we build Christian relationship." What about Bishop Gene Robinson's voice, Archbishop Williams?

Archbishop of Canterbury opens the 2008 Lambeth Conference

Fr. Yesu • Salida, Colorado

Excellent opening remarks by Archbishop Williams. "No one has magic to heal the wounds". May this conference bring good spirit of oneness in Unity. I pray for all the Bishops and may the Holy Spirit guide and lead them.

Lambeth Conference Daily Account: Lexington Bishop Stacy Sauls

Craig Gates • Greenwood, Mississippi

"Episcopal ministry ought to be grounded in prayer." My question is this: Do you read the Daily Office every day of your life? How many of your clergy do? One of the great problems we have as a Church is that we have stopped being "on the same page" because we are not saying the same prayers and reading the same scripture daily. Cranmer had it right, we all need to say the same prayers and read the same scripture daily to be united as God's people.

Archbishop of Canterbury opens the 2008 Lambeth Conference

Caryl Strance • Oregon City, Oregon

I pray that as we each seek to face that woundedness we carry as well as feeling the woundedness of our Church, that we recall Jesus' wounds, that "he was wounded for our transgression," and that he died that we ALL might have life eternal. May discernment, listening with the 'heart of the heart', and wisdom guide each bishop at this Lambeth gathering.

Lambeth Conference Daily Account: New Jersey Bishop George Councell

Elinor Foltz • Bonita Springs, Florida

Bishop George says it best as we hope the gathering meets together; "a spiritual feast", and let us pray that this "feast" spreads throughout the communion for much-needed nourishment.