Lambeth Conference Daily Account: Bishops Neil Alexander of Atlanta, Don Johnson of West Tennessee, Cate Waynick of Indianapolis

Episcopal News Service, Canterbury. July 21, 2008 [072108-03]

Bishops Neil Alexander of Atlanta, Don Johnson of West Tennessee, Cate Waynick of Indianapolis offer the following Daily Account for July 21.

Today, we started with Eucharist celebrated by the Province of Korea, featuring great singing by the Mother's Union Choir from Seoul, nearly 40 voices.

This was followed by our daily Bible study, in which we focused on John 6 -- the story of Jesus walking on the water and his admonition to his disciples not to be afraid. This passage led us into a discussion of what Jesus' admonition not to be afraid can mean for the bishops gathered at the Lambeth Conference. We discussed the things that can cause anxiety for the people we serve and for ourselves, and we move from anxiety and fear to hope.

In the morning, we launched the Indaba groups and the general topic was Anglican Identity and the Role of the Bishops. How do we perceive our ministry and our roles as bishops in the Anglican Communion?

The second Indaba group was held in the afternoon. The conversation was focused into four sections: Scripture, Worship, Order, and Mission. Each Indaba group divided into four smaller subgroups to discuss one of those areas. After that, there was a sharing of information.

The conversations were rich and full, everyone participated, no one was disengaged, and a great deal of respectful listening and good interchange occurred.

And, in our Provincial Meeting, we were thrilled to have greeting from EYE (Episcopal Youth Event) which concluded with a rousing "May the Peace of the Lord Be With You." The bishops responded with enthusiastic applauds and cheers!