Lambeth Conference Daily Account: Bishops John Chane of Washington, Charles Jenkins of Louisiana

Episcopal News Service, Canterbury. July 23, 2008 [072308-02]

Bishops John Chane of Washington and Charles Jenkins of Louisiana offer the following Daily Account for July 23 at the 2008 Lambeth Conference in Canterbury.

We started with Bible Study: John 8: 1-20 "Again Jesus spoke to them saying, I am the light of the world." We looked at the text very carefully and discussed the role of Jesus as the light of the world -- what does that mean? Also we talked about judgment, and how destructive judgment can be. In the text, when Jesus wrote in the dirt, that action gave space for others to look at their own lives. Only Jesus had the whole picture, while the Pharisees saw only a part. The light of Christ illuminates the whole picture.

In the Indaba group, the topic was The Transforming Society -- The Bishop and Social Justice. The Indaba group consists of representatives of a wide swath of the Anglican Communion, and we talked about the issues of social justice, and how we struggle about getting MDG (Millennium Development Goals) info to our people. We talked about the Farm Bill, the War in Iraq, and how bishops throughout the Anglican Communion were involved. Also we discussed that US economic policy affects the possibility of achieving the MDGs; and some in-depth conversation ensued about the shock and awe policies that seem to be our government's work against the MDGs by 2015. It was an informed and reasonable conversation. In the Indaba group, we talked about addressing the MDGs and living into them, we cannot do it alone -- we must work together. It was an overwhelming statement about the need to work together.

The Indaba groups are hitting a stride. This is a different way of addressing content and dealing with issues. It is a hopeful sign.

This afternoon, the Windsor Continuation Group held a hearing. There were 21 speakers who shared with the committee and with the gathered bishops and primates the concerns in responding to the report. It was helpful that people shared their concerns and it helped to raise issues that people haven't heard. We need to find ways to continue conversation between the Lambeth Conferences. We are looking forward to additional conversation on the Windsor Continuation Group.

Self select groups concluded the afternoon with a board selection of topics.