Lambeth Conference Daily Account: Bishops Edward Little II of Northern Indiana, Mark Sisk of New York

Episcopal News Service, Canterbury. August 2, 2008 [080208-01]

Bishops Edward Little II of Northern Indiana and Mark Sisk of New York offer the following Daily Account for August 2 at the 2008 Lambeth Conference.

The topic for today was The Bishop and the Anglican Covenant and the Windsor Process, the same topic as yesterday.

Bible study focused on John 18: 1-18: "For whom are you looking?...I am…I am…I am."

The Bible study has been the high point and has been wonderful. It has been a double blessing to hear other voices ponder a text that has been pondered for many years, and to hear it through other voices and other eyes has been deeply enriching.

In the Indaba group, there was not a unanimous decision, but there was good engagements and opinion. There was wide, but not universal, agreement that people should not be out of the communion. In the Indaba group, we were talked about accountability, as part of the covenant.