
Episcopal News Service. August 10, 2006 [081006-2-A]

General Seminary senior professor honored

[SOURCE: GTS] The Rev. Dr. J. Robert Wright, St. Mark's Church in the Bowery Professor of Ecclesiastical History at New York City's General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church (GTS) and honorary canon of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, has been honored with a celebratory collection of essays entitled, "One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: Studies in Christian Ecclesiality and Ecumenism in Honor of J. Robert Wright."

A 1963 graduate of GTS, Wright joined the Seminary faculty in 1968 and was selected by the Trustees in 1974 for the position he now holds. A world-renowned authority on the Early and Medieval periods of church history, the ecumenical movement, and Christian iconography, he is the Seminary's most senior faculty member and also serves as Historiographer of the Episcopal Church by vote of the General Convention. Currently senior consultant to the Episcopal Church's Ecumenical Office, Dr. Wright is also President of the Anglican Society. He is widely regarded as the principal author of the agreement for full communion with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

"Prof. Wright's scholarly contributions to the life of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion constitute a unique and lasting significance," said the Rev. Ward B. Ewing, dean and president of GTS. "We are delighted so much of his academic career and ministry has been spent training future leaders here at Church's oldest seminary."

Trinity appoints new director of administration

[SOURCE: TESM] Keith Ripple began duties on August 1, as the new director of administration for Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry [TESM] in Ambridge, Pennsylvania.

Ripple was appointed after a national search that took several months.

Originally from Ambridge, Ripple has worked for the last 13 years with Beitler McKee Optical on the South Side of Pittsburgh - most recently as vice president and controller. He is a certified public accountant with a distinguished career in private industry.

Ripple and his wife Terri have two daughters.