Statement from the Lambeth Palace

Episcopal News Service. November 8, 2000 [2000-195]

Some correspondents have sought clarification of the Archbishop of Canterbury's views on his and other Primates' role in relation to other Provinces within the Anglican Communion and on episcopal ministry. This statement is issued as that clarification.

The Archbishop of Canterbury expressed his mind on these issues in the widely distributed letter of 17 February 2000 to Bishops of the Anglican Communion and the United Churches. This letter was endorsed by his fellow Primates at the Oporto Primates meeting in March 2000.

In the letter he said:

"Although the 1998 Lambeth Conference suggested developments in the role of the Primates acting collegially...We have no authority to impose our will on any Province."

In the same letter he said:

"Whilst recognising John Rogers and Charles Murphy as faithful ministers of the Gospel, I have to conclude that I cannot recognise their episcopal ministry until such time as a full rapprochement and reconciliation has taken place between them and the appropriate authorities in the United States."

He is happy to re-iterate this statement and confirm that his view remains unchanged since it was first issued.