Members of Memphis Congregation Leave to Form AMiA Parish

Episcopal News Service. June 3, 2003 [2003-122G]

At a meeting held May 31, members of Church of the Annunciation in Memphis, Tennessee, announced their individual decisions to leave the Episcopal Church and affiliate with the Anglican Mission in America, taking the name Faith Anglican Church. Bishop Don E. Johnson of the Diocese of West Tennessee was present at the meeting.

In a pastoral letter to the congregation, Johnson acknowledged the right of individuals to worship wherever they desired, yet expressed his hope that the individuals considering leaving would reconsider. After receiving clarification from the elected leadership of the church and the members of the staff that they had decided to disassociate from the Episcopal Church, the bishop accepted their respective resignations effective immediately. The Rev. Herb Hand, rector, also declared his intent to leave. Hand was inhibited from the exercise of his priestly ministry effective immediately.

'This was a sad day for me personally and for all the people of the Episcopal Church of the Annunciation,' said Johnson. 'While I do not support the choice of those individuals to leave, I wish them Godspeed. We are lessened by their decision to abandon the fellowship of this communion.'

In a June 2 letter to members of the diocese, Johnson called for prayers of support for the members of Church of the Annunciation, their newly emerging leadership team and himself as work progresses on rebuilding.

Johnson said, 'Their decision to leave has not changed the mission of the church in West Tennessee. Our mission is to proclaim by word and example the good news of God in Christ. We do not choose to see our mission through the lens of fear.'

The transition to new leadership at Church of the Annunciation has begun. On June 1, the normal morning worship was held, and in the afternoon the bishop met with those committed to continuing with the Church of the Annunciation. Johnson has provided for worship and pastoral and temporal care for the congregation for the next few weeks and plans another meeting in mid-June.