Executive Officer Names Advisory Group

Diocesan Press Service. August 3, 1966 [45-7]

Seven leading Anglicans from various parts of the world will act in an advisory capacity to the Rt. Rev. Ralph S. Dean, Anglican Executive Officer.

The committee, appointed following a decision taken by the Lambeth Consultative Body at its recent meeting in Jerusalem, will study resources, priorities and skills of the Anglican Communion in relation to the implementation of the three-year-old Mutual Responsibility and Interdependence document. The Lambeth Consultative Body is made up of the heads of the autonomous provinces of the Anglican Communion.

The committee will consist of the Most Rev. Howard H. Clark, Primate of All Canada; the Most Rev. H. L. J. DeMel, Metropolitan of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon; the Most Rev. Leonard J. Beecher, Metropolitan of East Africa; Rt. Rev. Stephen F. Bayne, Director of the Executive Council's Overseas Department; the Rt. Rev. G. T. Sambell, Bishop Coadjutor of Melbourne, Australia; Rev. Canon Douglas Webster of Birmingham, England; and John Lawrence, Editor of Frontier, British religious publication.