Anglican Consultative Council

Diocesan Press Service. September 10, 1973 [73214]

(Note: This press release, provided by Forward Movement Publications, is designed for use in diocesan publications and is based on one of the areas remembered in Response, the Anglican-wide guide in praying for the mission of the church.)

The Dublin meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council last July explored the subject of "Inter-Anglican Communication." While Compassrose and Anglican Information have provided certain leaders in the Anglican Communion with useful information regarding significant policies, studies, and actions developed in the several churches, adequate means for the dissemination of these materials to dioceses and congregations within each church have not been devised.

A "Task Force" was appointed to help the Secretary General strengthen and expand this network of contacts throughout the world, to develop new methods of sharing information more widely in ways which the people can appreciate and understand, and to make recommendations to the Council in 1975 at its next meeting in Perth.

There exist throughout the Anglican Communion a number of major centres where news is gathered and disseminated – Rapidas in Latin America, U.S.P.G. Network, C. M.S. Outlook, as well as a multitude of national and diocesan press services. These need to be fed useful and up-to-date news, gathered from all parts of the Anglican Communion and channeled through the Secretary General's office in London.

Both Response and the Cycle of Prayer for Anglican Use were recommended as part of this communications network and the "Task Force" was asked to encourage their use.