Anglican-Orthodox Consultation States Purpose

Diocesan Press Service. November 7, 1974 [74311]

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- A "Common Statement of Purpose" and a program of theological studies were agreed by the Anglican-Orthodox Theological Consultation in the U.S. at a meeting held November 1-2 at General Theological Seminary in New York City.

The Consultation is sponsored by the Ecumenical Commission of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas and the Joint Commission on Ecumenical Relations of the Episcopal Church. The Anglican chairman is Bishop Jonathan G. Sherman of Long Island and the Orthodox chairman is Bishop Dimitri Royster of New Haven and New England (Orthodox Church in America).

In addition to theological discussion of "the many serious differences still existing between the two bodies," the Consultation intends "to develop techniques for relating its work to the contemporary life and witness of the churches which its members represent. " The "ultimate purpose of the Consultation is the full union of the two communions."

Demetrios Constantelos spoke on "Sociological and Cultural Conditioning Factors in Anglican-Orthodox Relations" and William A. Norgren reported on a questionnaire sent to Episcopal dioceses on their relations with the Orthodox. Paul Schneirla and Peter Day spoke on where the Orthodox and Anglican communions stand today in ecumenical relations.

The next Consultation, in October 1975, will take up these questions: 1) tradition and historical-critical method in the two communions, 2) secularism, or the relation of Church, Kingdom and world, as exemplified in the liturgical life of the Church and 3) the practical meaning of the Eucharist. Historical surveys will be prepared on Anglican eucharistic agreements with other confessional families and on the Orthodox stance on communion and relationships with other bodies.

Students from Holy Cross Theological School and Hellenic College and from General Theological Seminary attended as observers. Orthodox members of the Consultation are : Demetrios Constantelos, John H. Erickson, Florian M. Galdau, Robert Haddad, Thomas Hopko, Radovan Milkovich, Paul Schneirla (secretary), Stephen Sedor, Nomikos Michael Vaporis, and Serge Verhovskoy.

Anglican members are : Bishop Donald J. Parsons, John Andrew, Harold J. Berman, Winston F. Crum, Robert H. Greenfield, James E. Griffiss, Jr., William A. Norgren (secretary), Richard A. Norris, Jr., Lloyd G. Patterson, Jr., David A. Scott, Robert E. Terwilliger, J. Robert Wright and ex-officio, Paul Anderson and Peter Day.