Second National Episcopal Conference on Renewal Held

Diocesan Press Service. October 27, 1975 [75372]

Philip Deemer, Editor, New Life

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- More than 1,100 Episcopalians came from all over the United States to the Hotel Commodore in New York City on 8-11 October to participate in the Second National Episcopal Conference on Renewal. As with the first conference held last year at the Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta, this conference was coordinated by the Rev. Robert B. Hall, executive director of the Episcopal Center for Evangelism in Live Oak, Florida.

The conference was sponsored by the Pewsaction fellowship comprised of the following organizations: Anchor Society, Anglican Fellowship of Prayer, Associated Parishes, Bible Reading Fellowship, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Church Army Society, Episcopal Center for Evangelism, Faith Alive, Fellowship of Witness, Fine Arts Contemporary Evangelism, International Order of St. Luke the Physician, Invitation to Live Crusades, and Order of the Daughters of the King. Associated Parishes, Church Army Society, and Fine Arts Contemporary Evangelism are all new members of Pewsaction since the Atlanta conference.

Highlights of the conference included a keynote address by the Rt. Rev. Festo Kivengere, Bishop of Kigezi in Uganda. Bishop Kivengere, one of the most exciting and alive evangelists in the Anglican Communion today, set a high level in his talk, which was superbly maintained throughout much of the remainder of the conference.

Other speakers during the conference included Rosalind Rinker, well-known author of books on spiritual subjects; the Rev. Massey H. Shepherd, Jr., vice dean and professor of liturgics at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific and a long-time member of the Standing Liturgical Commission; the Very Rev. W. Graham Pulkingham, former rector of the Church of the Redeemer in Houston and now provost of the Collegiate Church of the Holy Spirit in Cumbrae, Scotland; the Rt. Rev. William J. Gordon, Jr., former Bishop of Alaska for 25 years and now director of Project TEAM; Dave Stoner, a lay counselor specializing in small groups on the staff of All Saints' Church in Jacksonville, Florida; the Rev. John R.W. Stott, until recently rector of All Souls' Church, Langham Place, in London, England, and author of numerous books; the Rev. Ian Thompson, director of the Bible Reading Fellowship in England; and the Rev. Claxton Monro, rector of St. Stephen's Church in Houston. The Rev. Harald K. Haugan again directed the music and singing for this conference, as he had last year in Atlanta. He is curate of All Saints Church in Jacksonville. The organ was played by Dr. Lee H. Bristol, Jr., former executive secretary of the Standing Commission on Church Music and editor of More Hymns and Spiritual Songs.

The conference opened on Wednesday evening with singing led by Father Haugan. Greetings from the Presiding Bishop were brought by the Rt. Rev. Richard B. Martin, executive for ministries on the Executive Council. Bishop Kivengere then gave his keynote address. In addition to his magnificent keynote, Bishop Kivengere led two workshops on Thursday.

Thursday morning began with two celebrations of the eucharist. A eucharist using the 1928 Book of Common Prayer was celebrated in the Grand Ballroom and a charismatic eucharist was celebrated in the Windsor Ballroom. At the morning assembly, greetings were given by the Rt. Rev. Paul Moore, Jr., Bishop of New York, who had been unable to attend the opening session the previous evening. Bible study was led by the Rev. Ian Thompson, and organizational presentations were made by the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer and the Fellowship of Witness. These were followed by an address by Rosalind Rinker, who also led two workshops on Friday. Workshops concluded the morning session.

In the afternoon organizational presentations were made by the Bible Reading Fellowship and the Episcopal Center for Evangelism, followed by an address by the Rev. Massey H. Shepherd, Jr. Workshops concluded the afternoon.

Other speakers during the conference included Rosalind Rinker, well-known author of books on spiritual subjects; the Rev. Massey H. Shepherd, Jr., vice dean and professor of liturgics at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific and a long-time member of the Standing Liturgical Commission; the Very Rev. W. Graham Pulkingham, former rector of the Church of the Redeemer in Houston and now provost of the Collegiate Church of the Holy Spirit in Cumbrae, Scotland; the Rt. Rev. William J. Gordon, Jr., former Bishop of Alaska for 25 years and now director of Project TEAM; Dave Stoner, a lay counselor specializing in small groups on the staff of All Saints' Church in Jacksonville, Florida; the Rev. John R.W. Stott, until recently rector of All Souls' Church, Langham Place, in London, England, and author of numerous books; the Rev. Ian Thompson, director of the Bible Reading Fellowship in England; and the Rev. Claxton Monro, rector of St. Stephen's Church in Houston. The Rev. Harald K. Haugan again directed the music and singing for this conference, as he had last year in Atlanta. He is curate of All Saints Church in Jacksonville. The organ was played by Dr. Lee H. Bristol, Jr., former executive secretary of the Standing Commission on Church Music and editor of More Hymns and Spiritual Songs.

The conference opened on Wednesday evening with singing led by Father Haugan. Greetings from the Presiding Bishop were brought by the Rt. Rev. Richard B. Martin, executive for ministries on the Executive Council. Bishop Kivengere then gave his keynote address. In addition to his magnificent keynote, Bishop Kivengere led two workshops on Thursday.

Thursday morning began with two celebrations of the eucharist. A eucharist using the 1928 Book of Common Prayer was celebrated in the Grand Ballroom and a charismatic eucharist was celebrated in the Windsor Ballroom. At the morning assembly, greetings were given by the Rt. Rev. Paul Moore, Jr., Bishop of New York, who had been unable to attend the opening session the previous evening. Bible study was led by the Rev. Ian Thompson, and organizational presentations were made by the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer and the Fellowship of Witness. These were followed by an address by Rosalind Rinker, who also led two workshops on Friday. Workshops concluded the morning session.

In the afternoon organizational presentations were made by the Bible Reading Fellowship and the Episcopal Center for Evangelism, followed by an address by the Rev. Massey H. Shepherd, Jr. Workshops concluded the afternoon.

The Thursday evening session opened with singing by The Fisherfolk, located both in Scotland and in Colorado, followed by a presentation by the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. This was followed by an address by the Very Rev. W. Graham Pulkingham. The evening concluded with coffee in the exhibit area, as it did both Wednesday and Friday evenings as well.

On Friday morning there were again two eucharists, one a charismatic celebration and the other using Rite II from Authorized Services. At the morning session there was Bible study again led by Father Thompson, and presentations by Associated Parishes and the Order of the Daughters of the King. The address was given by the Rt. Rev. William J. Gordon, Jr., and the morning closed with workshops.

In the afternoon, Father Hall introduced the Rt. Rev. Alfred Stanway, former Bishop of Central Tanganyika and now president of the Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry. Presentations were made by the Anchor Society and the Invitation to Live Crusades. Dave Stoner gave the afternoon address, which was followed by workshop sessions.

On Friday evening, following the usual robust singing, a presentation was made by Faith Alive and the Rev. John W. R. Stott gave the address. Following his address a service of commitment and recommitment was led by the Rev. Peter C. Moore, representing the Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry.

Saturday morning was the closing session and presented a second highlight of the conference, along with Bishop Kivengere's keynote speech. The morning started with one eucharist using the Authorized Services, and concelebrated by the Rt. Rev. Frederick W. Putnam, Jr., Bishop Suffragan of Oklahoma; the Rt. Rev. Harold C. Gosnell, Bishop of West Texas; the Rt. Rev. Alfred Stanway; the Rt. Rev. William J. Cox, Bishop Suffragan of Maryland; and the Rt. Rev. Frank S. Cerveny, Bishop of Florida. The morning session began with a presentation by the International Order of St. Luke the Physician and Bible study led by Father Thompson. Before the Saturday morning speakers began, a guest speaker was introduced.

The Most Rev. John M. Allin, Presiding Bishop, to show his interest and support of this conference in renewal, had arisen at quarter of four in the morning in Sewanee, Tennessee, driven to Chattanooga to catch a plane and had flown to New York to participate in the conference. Bishop Allin in his brief words spoke of his commitment to renewal and encouraged those involved in renewal in the Episcopal Church to be three things always: enthusiastic, contagious, and articulate. By the very style in which he spoke to this conference, he convinced everyone that he himself already was all three. He received an overwhelming standing ovation, which included whistles and cheers, at the conclusion of his message.

The morning session continued with addresses by the Rev. Ian Thompson and the Rev. Claxton Monro. An offering was collected for the Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief and a summation given by Father Hall. The Doxology was sung, a dismissal was given and the Second National Episcopal Conference on Renewal was over, as far as the sessions went.

As with the conference last year in Atlanta, there were many important elements present in addition to the presentations by organizations, the speeches, the workshops and the worship. There was again this year much fellowship among those people attending the conference. This fellowship again provided the opportunity for much personal witnessing.

A complete set of tapes of the addresses at the conference is available for $30 from Tapemasters, Box 38651, Dallas, Tex. 75238.

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