Anti-Ordination Group Refuses to Bolt the Church

Episcopal News Service. December 2, 1976 [76374]

The Rev. Canon Erwin M. Soukup

CHICAGO, Ill. -- A group of nearly 250 persons, meeting in Chicago December 1-2, reaffirmed its opposition to the action of the 65th General Convention in approving the ordination of women to the priesthood and episcopate but firmly vowed to continue its fight within the structure of the Episcopal Church. The meeting, which was held at the Church of the Ascension here, and included 16 bishops of the Church, was jointly called by the Coalition for the Apostolic Ministry and the Rt. Rev. Charles T. Gaskell, Bishop of Milwaukee.

The gathering of bishops, priests and laity from across the country produced two documents in its deliberations: A Statement of Action, which envisions the formulation of a new "supportive ecclesial entity within the Episcopal Church," and An Evangelical and Catholic Covenant, which declares that the ordination of women to the episcopate and priesthood "provides no assurance of Apostolic authority for eucharistic consecration, ordination, absolution, and blessing." The Covenant, which was signed by 12 of the bishops present and a great majority of the clergy and lay participants, further declares "... we will not accept the sacramental acts of this new ministry. " The Covenant, named by some participants "The Chicago Covenant," also states that the signers intend to "uphold this faith and order within the Episcopal Church.

The meeting, which was chaired by the Rt. Rev. Stanley Atkins of Eau Claire, was closed to the secular press, but it was learned that two separate efforts to remove the phrase "within the Episcopal Church" from the Statement of Action were firmly rejected. At one point, concern was expressed that members of the Fellowship of Concerned Churchmen, which had declared in a November meeting that it was "impossible for Episcopalians who are determined to keep the Faith whole and entire to remain in communion" with the Church, might take over this Chicago conference. Response from a participant that "we did not come here to sell out the Episcopal Church" brought loud applause.

In the Statement of Action, the bishops who were present were requested to establish "task forces" in order to implement the concerns and goals of the meeting. During a press conference following the meeting, Bishop Atkins reaffirmed the intention of the group not to secede from the Church and to work through the structure of the Church for a reversal, if possible, of the actions of the 1976 General Convention in the matter of the ordination of women to the priesthood and episcopate. Asked whether this group would meet separately from the General Convention in the future, Bishop Atkins replied, "No, we shall be members of the General Convention. We shall not bolt away. We shall do something more horrendous: we are going to be there at all times."

When asked whether the group was considering a boycott of funds from the national Church or the separate dioceses, Bishop Atkins responded, "We believe that we ought to pray harder, work harder and give more than the other members of the Church and do not plan any boycott of funds from the organized Church." Also questioned on what he envisions the new structure called the "supportive ecclesial entity" might be, the Bishop said it might be something like a missionary society or fashioned after the organization of Coalition 14, the group of domestic jurisdictions which share common concerns and goals.

The Rt. Rev. Robert E. Terwilliger, Suffragan Bishop of Dallas, in responding to a question about "what all does all this mean?" replied, "This particular group can be understood, not primarily as a political operation, but rather the beginning of a religious movement. What we want to achieve is a revival of the Apostolic and Catholic life within the Episcopal Church."

The new structure expects to meet again in Minneapolis in May of 1977, at which time the task forces established by the steering committee of bishops will report and will form "the orderly administration of this organization."

The opening Eucharist for the meeting was concelebrated by Bishops Gaskell and Terwilliger with the Rt. Rev. James W. Montgomery of Chicago as chief celebrant. The closing Eucharist was concelebrated by the Rt. Rev. Albert W. Hillestad of Springfield, the Rt. Rev. George Paul Reeves of Georgia and the Rt. Rev. A. Donald Davies of Dallas. Bishop Atkins delivered the sermon at the closing Eucharist, during which he noted that it has been through minority "remnants" that God has preserved and continued His Church.

During the meeting, position papers on evangelical and catholic vocation, on the authority of the General Convention and the absolutes of the Christian faith were presented to the gathering. Continual concern for priests, laity and parishes which lay isolated within dioceses favoring the ordination of women was expressed numerous times in the plenary meetings and the worship services

A Statement of Action

The Chicago Conference, meeting at the Church of the Ascension on December 1st and 2nd, 1976, and representing bishops, priests, deacons, and laity of the Episcopal Church, affirms the Faith and Order which this Church has received. We believe that Authority in these matters rests in the unbroken witness of Scripture and Tradition. We find that admission of women to the episcopate and priesthood is a change of such magnitude that it would require an ecumenical consensus, as it involves the Doctrine of the Incarnation. Lacking this, we cannot recognize women ordained as priests and bishops under authority of the General Convention of 1976 nor their sacramental acts. We must refuse communio in sacris with this new ministry. We wish to continue in fellowship and communion with Anglicans throughout the world, for we believe that the historic Anglican tradition of Evangelical and Catholic truth is worthy of our affirmation, has a claim on our loyalty, and must be restored to its fulness. We engage to promote increased fellowship with the other churches of the Apostolic Ministry. To this end:

  • A. We seek a supportive ecclesial entity within the Episcopal Church, through which guidelines can be formulated and financial assistance channeled to implement a positive witness to this traditional Faith and Order in the Episcopal Church.
  • B. We request the bishops present to establish "task forces" in the following areas:
    • 1. Devotional Life: To recover a dedication to God in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, with an emphasis on traditional Anglican spirituality.
    • 2. Theology: To develop and present the theological, scriptural, moral affirmation of Evangelical and Catholic Faith.
    • 3. Liturgy: To recommend liturgical forms which express and preserve the integrity of Catholic Faith and Order, and maintain the biblical imagery of God.
    • 4. Education: To provide a seminary and/or theological institutes where candidates for Holy Orders can receive an orthodox theological and spiritual education; and to initiate events for the continuing education of clergy and laity.
    • 5. Strategy: To plan for the care and involvement of isolated communicants and congregations who bear witness with us, and to plan for the 66th General Convention.
    • 6. Constitution and By-Laws: To provide a form for the orderly administration of this organization.
    • 7. Finances: To strengthen our intent by sacrificial giving in support of the covenant amongst us, and to be prepared to offer financial support.
    • 8. Litigation: To use the courts of the Church to validate and legalize our position, and to see that no one is penalized for adherence to it.