Atkins to be Consecrated Bishop Coadjutor of Eau Claire

Diocesan Press Service. May 12, 1969 [77-10]

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- The Ven. Stanley Hamilton Atkins, Archdeacon of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee, will be consecrated Bishop Coadjutor of the Episcopal Diocese of Eau Claire, Wis., Aug... 2 in Christ Church Cathedral, Eau Claire.

Consecrator will be the Rt. Rev. William W. Horstick, Bishop of Eau Claire. Co-consecrators will be the Rt. Rev. Donald H. V. Hallock, Bishop of Milwaukee, and the Rt. Rev. William H. Brady, Bishop of Fond du Lac.

A Bishop Coadjutor has an automatic right to succeed the Diocesan Bishop.

Bishop-elect Atkins was born in Newcastle upon Tyne, England and is a graduate of King's College, London. He was ordained in 1939 and served in England until 1949. From 1941 to 1946 he was a chaplain (Lt. Col.) in the British Army. From 1949 until 1955 he served in Canada. In 1955 he came to Wisconsin and served as rector of St. Paul's, Hudson and vicar of St. Thomas's, New Richmond until 1962 when he accepted the position of archdeacon of the Diocese. He has been a deputy to three General Conventions.

The Bishop-elect married Mildred Maureen March in 1942. They are the parents of three children.