N.Y. Panel Urges Talks Despite Differences

Episcopal News Service. June 23, 1977 [77226]

New York, N.Y. -- Episcopalians and Roman Catholics in the metropolitan New York area are urging that dialogue between the communions be increased at all levels of Church life.

Acknowledging that matters of division exist between the communions, the Anglican Roman Catholic Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of New York and the Ecumenical Commission of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York have issued a statement in which it was noted that differences on the same issues also exist within each communion.

After invoking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the statement continues: "We are firm and unanimous in stating that there can be no lessening of our effort toward the reconciliation and unity of the Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church."

In commenting on the statement, the Rev. John A. Osgood, rector of the Episcopal Church of Christ the King in Stone Ridge, N.Y. and chairman of the ARC/NY panel said: "I cannot help but believe that this will help us greatly to pastorally assist those who thought this issue (ordination of women) would terminate our official dialogue."

The above is intended to clarify and expand on an item reported in Church News Briefs # 77218 of June 16, 1977.