Prayer Conference Set for New Haven

Episcopal News Service. January 10, 1980 [80007]

NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- "Unity through Fellowship in Prayer" is the motto of the 1980 International Prayer Conference, hosted by the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer, to be held on May 1-3 in New Haven, Conn.

Bishop Festo Kivengere of Uganda will join Bishop Alexander Stewart of Western Massachusetts and Rosalind Rinker as keynote speakers.

Small response groups will follow each of the major addresses. Each day will be closed with a prayer and praise session.

In addition, a unique selection of workshops will allow the hundreds of delegates from dioceses throughout the United States and Canada personally to meet, study and counsel with the three keynote speakers plus other Christian leaders.

A general invitation to parishes throughout Provinces I, II and III has been issued by the Rt. Rev. Morgan Porteus, Bishop of Connecticut. "Our objective is to send you home with a renewed personal commitment to prayer -- armed with the spiritual tools to further enrich your individual and parish prayer life," Bishop Porteus said.

Mr. James A. Beattie, Jr. of Northford, Conn., is the general chairman.

Bishop Kivengere, for more than 35 years deeply involved with the East African Revival, became a refugee from Uganda in February 1977 following the murder of Archbishop Janani Luwum. With the overthrow of President Idi Amin in the spring of 1979, Bishop Kivengere was able to return to his diocese.

Bishop Stewart, a graduate of Harvard Business School and Union Theological Seminary in New York City, often leads retreats and quiet days.

Miss Rinker has 13 books to her credit with sales of her work nearing two million copies. She writes and speaks on conversational prayer. She spent 14 years as a missionary in China and upon her return to the U. S., worked with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship for 12 years. Workshops will deal with topics such as spiritual counselling, youth and the cults, healing, Bible study, and meditation and contemplation. Bishop Coadjutor Arthur E. Walmsley of Connecticut will lead a workshop which will examine the relation of prayer to an active ministry in the world.

The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer became an official association of the Anglican Communion in 1958. Harry C. Griffith is Executive Director with headquarters in Winter Park, Fla.

The $30 registration fee includes Thursday and Friday banquets and admission to all conference sessions and workshops. Day rates are available for those who cannot attend the entire conference. Hotel rates are $30 per day for a single and $38 for a double.

Registration for the conference, including hotel room, should be made with Mr. William H. Hodge, Clintonville Rd., Northford, Conn. 06472, telephone 203/484-2645.