World Church - In Brief

Diocesan Press Service. January 23, 1970 [83-10]


The Rev. John S. Kikawada, a priest of the Nippon Seikokai (Holy Catholic Church in Japan), has been awarded the Purple Ribbon Medal by the Japanese government for his services in child welfare work. Part of Father Kikawada's training was received at the Columbia School of Social Work, New York City, with scholarship assistance from the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church.

England's centuries-old Winchester Cathedral was the scene of a service of commitment to unity in which more than 500 Anglicans and Methodists shared in the Holy Communion.

Roman Catholic seminarians in India will be encouraged to practice Yoga exercises if proposals of a special assembly of Roman Catholic seminaries are accepted by the Indian Bishops' Conference.

The Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches of Scotland have agreed to explore a common text and rite for Baptism to be used by each Church.

All but one of the 11 United Methodist missionaries in Algiers, Algeria, were expelled during the last days of 1969, according to reports from the denomination's Board of Missions.

Miss Shelia M. Cameron, a practicing attorney since 1957, will be the first woman chancellor of the Church of England. She will serve the Diocese of Chelmsford, in eastern England.

Recent floods showed Costa Rica's churches what they could accomplish by working together, and a permanent emergency force, Cruzada Social Ecumenica (The Ecumenical Social Crusade), is being organized with the backing of the country's Roman Catholic Church. Among the initiators of the program was the Rt. Rev. J. Antonio Ramos, Episcopal Bishop of Costa Rica.

The Anglican Churches of Australia and Central Africa are the first two Anglican provinces to seek full communion with the Church of South India and to act on a resolution of the 1968 Lambeth Conference calling on all provinces of the Anglican Communion to reexamine their relationship to the Church of South India with a view toward full communion.

Joint Anglican/Lutheran conversations will begin in September, 1970, and continue over the next two years according to an announcement made January 8, following a preparatory meeting in London.

The General Council of the Anglican Church of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon, at what was probably its last meeting, voted approval of the Plan of Church Union in North India and Pakistan and gave Anglican Dioceses permission to enter into the proposed united churches. The Council also approved of the entry of Anglican Dioceses into the proposed united church of Ceylon, although Methodist action on the plan is, as yet, uncertain.

The Rev. Canon Edwin E. Harvey, an appointee of the Executive Council, has become a full-time member of the teaching staff at the new ecumenical Pacific Theological College, Suva. The former Warden of St. John the Baptist College (Anglican), Suva, will remain as Canon of the Anglican Cathedral.

The Rev. Canon Eric Hutchison, who has served as an appointed missionary in the Church of Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi for nine years, received official commendation for his service, following his resignation, from the Provincial Assembly. According to the Rev. Samuel Van Culin, Executive Secretary for Africa and the Middle East of the Executive Council, this is the first such official commendation received by the Executive Council from any Province in Africa.

At Home

The Diocesan Council of Vermont has called upon Episcopalians to demand more humane treatment of military prisoners held in North Vietnam.

[Contact Archives for original attachment, Episcopal Board Calls for limit of five Theological Education Centers - Ed.]