Christmas Message 1985

Episcopal News Service. December 12, 1985 [85255]

Most Rev. Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury

"Glory to God in the highest, and on

earth peace, good will towards men"

The heart of the message of Christmas is this -- the good news of God's entering our world in the birth of Jesus to share our lives, our suffering, even our death. And in so identifying with us, with our trials and tribulations, he turns them around, bringing good out of evil, compassion out of cruelty, hope out of horror. Let us hold on to this message as we look ahead, and as we remember a trying and troubled year for many parts of our Anglican family.

Throughout 1985 we have experienced famine in the Sudan and Ethiopia; continued conflict in Central America and the Middle East; revelation of atrocities in Uganda; riots on the streets of English cities; oppression and violence in South Africa; a devastating earthquake in Mexico City; communal conflict and refugees in Southeast Asia.

Perhaps South Africa has been most on our minds. Archbishop Philip Russell has led the Church there in a gentle but firm manner, making it clear that the Church can never support a system which treats men and women as less than human because of the color of their skin.

The prophetic witness of Bishop Desmond Tutu has caught the attention and warmed the hearts of many. His is a ministry characterised by a powerful mixture of courage, realism and humility. He knows his need of others: he cannot achieve lasting peace and goodwill in South Africa alone. He must maintain the support of his own people, and he must win the support of the white population and the government. He needs the practical sympathy of the international community and of the Church. I am regularly in touch with him, as are many others of you throughout the Anglican family. We pray that his moderate voice is not silenced.

In South Africa, Uganda, Nicaragua, Argentina, Ireland, Britain, Mexico, Jordan and Sri Lanka, we are learning in the Communion that when one member suffers, we all suffer. And we are learning to express our common sympathy in ways which build up the common good.

Let us pray this Christmas that our common life and witness may bear glory to God in the highest, build peace on earth, and bear good will towards all.