
Episcopal News Service. May 13, 1992 [92116O]

The Very Rev. Robert Reed Shahan was elected bishop coadjutor of Arizona, and will succeed Bishop Joseph T. Heistand as diocesan bishop upon Heistand's retirement in December. Shahan, 52, was selected on May 5 on the fifth ballot of a special diocesan convention. The bishop-elect is currently dean of Grace Cathedral, Topeka, Kansas. He said that he expects to arrive in Phoenix in July, and his formal consecration is scheduled for October 3. An Episcopal priest for 20 years, Shahan has served parishes in Michigan, Illinois, South Carolina, and Kansas, and has taught preaching and church administration at Seabury-Western Theological Seminary in Evanston, Illinois. Prior to entering Nashotah House seminary, where he earned his master of divinity degree in 1973, Shahan spent eight years as an officer in the U.S. Navy and three years as a market analyst for Hershey Foods Corporation.

Dave Corbin, long-time editor of The Missionary, the Northern California diocesan newspaper, died on March 19. Corbin worked in the public information office at McClellan Air Force Base. He is survived by his wife, Bevin, and their two daughters.

The Rev. Bruce W.B. Jenneker has been named precentor of Washington National Cathedral and will take up his responsibilities on June 1. Jenneker, a preacher, scholar, and liturgist, will serve as Dean Nathan Baxter's principal deputy for coordinating cathedral worship and will also celebrate, preach, and preside at worship services. In addition, he will coordinate the planning for festivals, concerts, lectures, and state occasions. Jenneker is currently a member of the Diocese of Washington's commission on liturgy and music. A native of South Africa, he received his master of divinity degree from the Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts.