Church World Service to Resettle Haitians

Episcopal News Service. June 23, 1993 [93129D]

Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program (CWS/IRP) of the National Council of Churches (NCC) will resettle 30 to 40 of the HIVpositive Haitian refugees cleared for release on June 8 from Guantanamo Naval Station, Cuba. "We are pleased that through the ministry of Church World Service we are able to provide for those in the greatest need," said the Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, General Secretary of the NCC. "The NCC's commitment to minister to the ill, to promote racial justice and to welcome the stranger come together in this ministry. Our compassion is really tested with the most stigmatized people. We must be compassionate," she said. CWS/IRP has resettled Cubans and Haitians under the Cuban-Haitian Primary Secondary Resettlement Program for more than a decade and since 1991 has resettled nearly half of the approximately 11,000 Haitian refugees who were processed through Guantanamo.