Lambeth Conference Available on Video

Episcopal News Service. November 19, 1998 [98-2264K]

(ENS) The recent Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops is now available on videotape from the Episcopal Media Center, in Atlanta, Georgia.

This hour-long program produced by CTVC Video of Hertfordshire, England; the Anglican Consultative Council; and Trinity Parish, Wall Street, New York City, is presented in two parts.

The first, a 20-minute introduction titled, "Lambeth 1998: A Living Letter," presents a variety of voices reflecting on the importance of scripture, reconciliation and "the grace of giving" in the Anglican Communion.

The second part is titled, "The Lambeth '98 Experience," and features interviews and vignettes highlighting the archbishop's presidential address, "Leadership Under Pressure," "Listening to God's Word" and "Listening to One Another. "

The Rev. Canon Louis C. Schueddig, president and executive director of the Media Center, said, "This video put me in touch with the diversity of the worldwide Anglican Communion and the struggles the bishops had, particularly in dealing with the harsh realities of living as Christians under persecution in second and third world countries."

The cost of the video is $29.95, plus $3.50 shipping and handling. To order a copy, call the Media Center at 1-800-229-3788 or e-mail: