The Church in the 60's

Diocesan Press Service. August 1, 1962 [I-10]

In preparation for the Anglican Congress, to be held in Toronto next August, 1963, the Anglican Congress Committee has prepared a volume containing a series of brilliant essays on the cultural and religious frontiers of the Anglican Communion at this time in history.

Titled The Church in the 60's, this collection of essays will be of unusual interest to those attending the Congress. But more than that, as Bishop Lichtenberger points out in the Preface, " is intended to help us all to understand better what the Church is up against now, what human resources we have to meet these challenges, what we must do to make the Church a more fit instrument for God's purpose."

The four divisions of the book reveal its breadth: The Anglican Congress, Frontiers of the Church, Facing the Frontiers, and The Anglican Communion.

Particularly interesting to Americans are the chapters on Minneapolis '54 by the Rev. Eugene R. Fairweather of the Faculty of Divinity at Trinity College, Toronto. Dr. Fairweather received his S.T.M. and Th.D. degrees from Union Theological Seminary, New York City, and served as assistant priest at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, New York.... Reaching the Non-Christian Faiths by Dr. R. H. L. Slater, Professor of World Religions at Harvard University... Accepting the Political Challenges by Dr. J. G. Rowe, a graduate of Episcopal Theological School and Harvard University, now Dean of Arts and Professor of History and Church History at Huron College, London, Ontario...and Organizing for Action by the Rt. Rev. Stephen F. Bayne, Executive Officer of the Anglican Communion and prominent American spokesman for the Church.

Other distinguished contributors are: H. H. Clark, D.R.G. Owen, William R. Coleman, Eric G. Jay, Herbert M. Waddams, and Lord Fisher of Lambeth. The editor is Philip C. Jefferson, Editorial Secretary, the Department of Religious Education, the Anglican Church of Canada. The Foreword is by the Most Rev. and Rt. Hon. Arthur Michael Ramsey, Archbishop of Canterbury.

The book is published in the United States by The Seabury Press, and is available from church bookstores or direct from the publisher at $1.50.